Another Be Safe Out There Message

The wildlife is getting back at us for
screwing up the environment.

Pretty scary time.At first he started to run,big no,no.
But what would you do in the same situation?

Did he finally throw a rock at the cat?

The guy was lucky.
There may be more to this story... it’s reported that the “victim” had approached the cat’s kittens for photos. If that’s true, his bad judgement precipitated the entire episode.

Don't mess with mom...
Steve there is usually more to a story.
I did hear him tell the cat to go back to her kittens.

If that's the case where he got between mom and the
kittens,he was very lucky to escape unharmed.

From a friend in Montana -

"GMA (Good Morning America) interviewed the guy this morning and he admitted to attempting to photograph the kittens which drove "mom" to attack/protect her brood. He said he threw a rock to scare away the cat."
He is lucky she didn't have him for lunch. Cell phones are not for wildlife photography.....people just don't get it.....
On the bright side, it was an incredible video of Mom lion defensive/aggressive behavior we may not have seen otherwise. Mom lion was serious. We loved the charges.
Number 1:
Don't even suggest that you have any interest in her offspring.

Number 2:
Leave the kittens alone

Number 3:
Stay from the babies

That should be a good start.

Other than looking big and carrying a good noise maker, I dunno.

I've never been so lucky as to see one in the wild.

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