Another Campground Incident – What Would You Do?

Well done, ski. You have more self-control than I do. I'd have probably let them have it for waking me up, and it would have gone downhill from there.

I wonder if the California-centric population of WTW means there are more reports like this within the forums, or if instead this is a more regular occurrence in CA then in nearby states. I don't think I've ever heard tell of people just bombing in and horning in on or taking over a campsite in a designated campground before reading of the Ted's encounter and your own. I really don't know what to think of that kind of behavior, but I am glad to have never personally experienced it.


Me thinks there are allot of these types of things happening out there-every where and not just in California. If you check under Vandalism on this site you will find allot of bad things going on out in our "uncivilized" and "wandering " places- it is just that there usually is enough "space" out there to avoid these types of personal incidents. One of the major changes out in the back county we have noticed over the last several years is that it has been discovered by people who have fled from the over used recreation areas near the LA and bay area and other population centers into the more remote areas and are frequently "untrained" on how to enjoy it out there.

Before I retired from the BLM, I noted every holiday or other times too, that there were more and more people showing up and having uneducated fun in our formally remote back country areas! Allot of our time was spent educating them because let's face it, they have found us and if we don't do it they will destroy it so let's train them and hope for the best-what is it they say," I'd rather have them in the tent pissing out than outside pissing in"! Take a look at what has happened to the Steens or the "Burning Man" stuff out in the Black Rock, if you want an example.


I wonder if our campers are a factor here? If you keep a clean campsite, there will be an empty tent site and table, which would be tempting to the rude / clueless. Anyone with half a brain ought to recognize the site is occupied, but that's not all of the population. Maybe it is good to keep chairs or some other sign of occupancy in the tent area.
Good point, Smoke. I really haven't spent many nights in a designated campground in 10-11 years. Accordingly, all I really hear is what I read in WTW.

Serenity now, serenity now...................

Foy said:
Well done, ski. You have more self-control than I do. I'd have probably let them have it for waking me up, and it would have gone downhill from there.

But, I am still learning.
highz said:
I wonder if our campers are a factor here? If you keep a clean campsite, there will be an empty tent site and table, which would be tempting to the rude / clueless. Anyone with half a brain ought to recognize the site is occupied, but that's not all of the population. Maybe it is good to keep chairs or some other sign of occupancy in the tent area.
highz, we agree. After we roused them out, both the Lady and I commented that we keep way too neat of a campsite. Our small take apart table was the only item outside.

Another contributing factor in this incident was the ban on campfires. The average camper this weekend was not prepared for the cold nights. With no campfires, the usual socialization of people warming themselves around a fire was gone. Although the campground was full, it was a ghost town once the sun went down.

With the close proximity to our truck - they could have touched it - and other factors, they knew this was an occupied site.

Foy, California does have a huge and diverse population and Pinnacles is close to the South Bay and Central Valley. Even if the percentage of clueless remains the same, with ever increasing population the number of clueless is growing.
The way you handled your situation reminds me of a quote by Sun Tzu. "When the enemy is relaxed, make them toil. When full, starve them. When settled, make them move." They may not be your enemy,but it works just the same for the clueless...
highz said:
I wonder if our campers are a factor here? If you keep a clean campsite, there will be an empty tent site and table, which would be tempting to the rude / clueless. Anyone with half a brain ought to recognize the site is occupied, but that's not all of the population. Maybe it is good to keep chairs or some other sign of occupancy in the tent area.
Thank you- I have a reason to keep a messy camp now :p ! Yep if they would have backed over a few chairs and a cooler or two maybe they would have-----no, second thought, would have not made a difference, besides they probably would have stolen them, you know all those free things laying around-like what may have happened to Ted if they gone for a day or two-I don't think that pile of their stuff would have been there on their return! "Stupid is-stupid does ;) ."

Wu Wei said:
The way you handled your situation reminds me of a quote by Sun Tzu. "When the enemy is relaxed, make them toil. When full, starve them. When settled, make them move." They may not be your enemy,but it works just the same for the clueless...
The quote is much appreciated. The Sun Tzu quote I enjoy speaks of patience -

“If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by.”
Smokecreek1 said:
Thank you- I have a reason to keep a messy camp now :p ! Yep if they would have backed over a few chairs and a cooler or two maybe they would have-----no, second thought, would have not made a difference, besides they probably would have stolen them, you know all those free things laying around-like what may have happened to Ted if they gone for a day or two-I don't think that pile of their stuff would have been there on their return! "Stupid is-stupid does ;) ."

Yep, I hear you, Smoke. I certainly wouldn't leave anything valuable out. If someone steals my old, cheap camp chair, they deserve it. I also have a "Campsite Occupied" sign that I would put in a noticeable place.

It used to be you could leave your gear in your tent and go off for a hike without worrying too much about whether it would all be there when you got back. Now, I would only do that in a remote or wilderness camp. I must be getting old, because I sure do long for the less crowded good ole days.
I think there is a general degradation in behavior going on. Maybe it's the way we were raised that is no longer the rule or something, but respect for others and general civility seems to be declining. This plays out in campgrounds just like in the city.
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