Another Incident in Death Valley

My guess would be they were on the West Side Road, which begins and ends on Badwater Road. Wouldn't they be able to see that on their GPS?
I wonder how many years we will be able to see their tracks?
Ted said:
My guess would be they were on the West Side Road, which begins and ends on Badwater Road. Wouldn't they be able to see that on their GPS?
I wonder how many years we will be able to see their tracks?
From the report - "The park visitors got lost while navigating by GPS. They took a wrong turn onto West Side Road, and drove back and forth on the gravel road for about three hours. Around midnight, they became concerned about running out of gas, and decided to drive directly across the salt flat to Badwater Road. Driving off-road is illegal in Death Valley National Park. In this case, it could have cost their lives."

Although it says, ".......while navigating by GPS," they obviously were not "navigating." Five bucks says it was operator error and not GPS error. Their decision to drive directly across the salt pan to Badwater speaks volumes. I would take the story they told the Park Service with a pallet full of bags of salt.
Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Damage like that takes a long time to heal in DV.
Send the fellows out on foot with rakes. A couple of days of careful work and it would look a bit better.
craig333 said:
I'm betting it was a rental vehicle.
A coworker (years ago) told me, as he drove over the curb at a customer's location, that all rental cars were four wheel drive.

Prior to that. I thought that buying a used rental car might be a smart idea.

I want to know what the fine, etc. is and that they actually get something substantial and not the standard, $100 fine, 1 week in jail (reduced to 0 for stupidity).
At least pay the tow bill. That couldn't have been cheap to get a specialized vehicle out there.

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