Another Minor Mod to the Raven

Just got back from a week long trip into the Sand Hills/White Pockets region of Northern AZ, southern UT. Just wanted to give a report back on the bumpstop setup that I installed on the new truck. With the truck and camper fully loaded it still sat perfectly level. We did many miles of dirt roads, mud roads, deep, deep sandy roads and very rocky terrain. We were in this same area some years ago, without the camper, and I broke something under the truck while turning around in deep sand, though I can't remember what it was. It kinda caused us to have some trepidation about coming back here with a camper on the back, but I must say that the bumpstops worked flawlessly. As, the days went on, I gained confidence in the system. Smooth, smooth, smooth. Never bottomed out. Seems like a very tough system.

This is an exceptionally scenic area, BTW. If you go, bring a pair of lopers. In some areas, my wife would walk along in front of the truck to do some "trimming" so as not to scratch the truck
Captain, I've been a fan of your posts and mods since I joined WTW. This time I had to post.
This is the best one yet.......way to Rock n Roll.
Good luck with her and many happy and healthy sweet looking miles.
Your silver makes me turn green, go figure ?
Captain, I've been a fan of your posts and mods since I joined WTW. This time I had to post.
This is the best one yet.......way to Rock n Roll.
Good luck with her and many happy and healthy sweet looking miles.
Your silver makes me turn green, go figure ?

Thanks, Dan!
What ?? You made her walk and trim bushes while you drove ?? You have a keeper !! :rolleyes:

She hates driving the truck through tight winding places where juniper tress are scraping down, or even if it looks like it could be scraping down, the side. And she actually likes getting out and walking! At least on a nice day.
She sounds like a keeper. Congrats on that too. Not to change the subject but from the picture of your rig in the garage I thought I noticed the hardware for the rear awning. If you have that option, whats your opinion on it? I've never seen any review of it and I think it would be nice to have if it functions without much grief.
She sounds like a keeper. Congrats on that too. Not to change the subject but from the picture of your rig in the garage I thought I noticed the hardware for the rear awning. If you have that option, whats your opinion on it? I've never seen any review of it and I think it would be nice to have if it functions without much grief.

It works pretty good, is not to hard to install, but takes a little practice. We put it up once in a while whether we need to or not, just to make sure we still remember how. You have to install it before you raise the roof. It is fairly sturdy and can handle a fair amount of wind. it's storage bag does take up some room in the camper. On days we don't install it, we would ferry it out of the camper and set it in the back seat of the truck or on the ground. Somewhat of a PIA. But having said that, it seems to me that the only real use for the thing is when it is raining. And since we live in the southwest, where rain is rare, we now store it in the garage, but will take it with us on trips when the forecast calls for rain.

Here is a pic of it in Death Valley when were on our way home from FWC after picking the new camper up.

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