Another Rock Art Site Vandalized

Hate to say I'm not surprised. They just repaved a road nearby. Within hours people were doing donuts at every intersection.
I am also not surprised. No further comment because the site administrators would ban me, appropriately, if I wrote my thoughts.
AWG_Pics said:
I am also not surprised. No further comment because the site administrators would ban me, appropriately, if I wrote my thoughts.
But I expect they are thinking along the same lines.
AWG_Pics said:
I am also not surprised. No further comment because the site administrators would ban me, appropriately, if I wrote my thoughts.
ski3pin said:
But I expect they are thinking along the same lines.
Lighthawk said:
Aren't we all.
Yes, we are! I have bad words that I’d like to spew…
Locked up? We can't even keep known criminals in jail. Sacramento was just in the news for a mass shooting where one of the subjects was released from prison early. Sorry, had to vent.
I’m right there with Y’all. Other than a complete lack of respect for anything I just want to know WHY!?
That question is simple to answer; Greed. One of the ugliest of human traits.

I've few choice words too. Can I add them to the rest of the unspoken words?
It must be a little difficult to gain support for the protection of ancient art when acting as a "protector" seems to require that one treat anyone who wants to see the art as a jerk who will destroy it. I mean - I get it. And I get it - in that I understand the viewpoint of the "protectors" but I am tired of being lumped in with the jerks. I know - wwwwhhhaaaaaa but isn't there some way the art can be protected without making it so exclusive that most people will not ever see any - let alone care about it?

I have a friend who is in an organization which keeps an eye on some local sites. We have spent some time discussing this. No easy answer I think - at least as long as so many people are so disrespectful and destructive.

New posts - WTW

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