Anyone using an inReach 2-way Satellite Communicator?

Anybody else having a problem with their Inreach Explorer (the non-plus model) failing to wake up?

We just returned from a ten-day trip to Canada. Once we cross the border our phones don't work so I usually keep the Inreach turned on all the time and connected to power. But on three occasions the Inreach failed to wake up and show me the Unlock / Cancel screen when I pressed the check-symbol key.

I didn't have the manual but remembered the instructions for a Reset are on the back of the unit.... hold down the X and down-arrow for ten seconds. That brought it back to life each time. I noticed it didn't just wake up to the Unlock/Cancel screen, it gave me the Power Up screen. I can't tell whether it had powered down without my telling it to or not. It didn't respond to any key presses and the only way to get anything going was to Reset it. I have not seen that behavior before.

During the trip, I sent daily OK presets and a few other messages. The failure-to-unlock problem appeared to happen after a longer idle period, typically in the morning after not having used it since mid-day the day before.

I called the Inreach team at Garmin yesterday and agent Jessica said she hadn't heard of that behavior but would research it and check with other agents. My Inreach was on firmware release 2.15 and the latest is 2.16 so we decided the first step is to update and see if the problem continues.

After the call I received an email from Jessica saying she had checked with the support team and next step if the problem persists would be to do a Factory Reset procedure (and provided the step-by-step procedure).

I updated to 2.16 yesterday but haven't yet given it enough time to see if the problem still happens.
Old Crow said:
Anybody else having a problem with their Inreach Explorer (the non-plus model) failing to wake up?

We just returned from a ten-day trip to Canada. Once we cross the border our phones don't work so I usually keep the Inreach turned on all the time and connected to power. But on three occasions the Inreach failed to wake up and show me the Unlock / Cancel screen when I pressed the check-symbol key.

I didn't have the manual but remembered the instructions for a Reset are on the back of the unit.... hold down the X and down-arrow for ten seconds. That brought it back to life each time. I noticed it didn't just wake up to the Unlock/Cancel screen, it gave me the Power Up screen. I can't tell whether it had powered down without my telling it to or not. It didn't respond to any key presses and the only way to get anything going was to Reset it. I have not seen that behavior before.

During the trip, I sent daily OK presets and a few other messages. The failure-to-unlock problem appeared to happen after a longer idle period, typically in the morning after not having used it since mid-day the day before.

I called the Inreach team at Garmin yesterday and agent Jessica said she hadn't heard of that behavior but would research it and check with other agents. My Inreach was on firmware release 2.15 and the latest is 2.16 so we decided the first step is to update and see if the problem continues.

After the call I received an email from Jessica saying she had checked with the support team and next step if the problem persists would be to do a Factory Reset procedure (and provided the step-by-step procedure).

I updated to 2.16 yesterday but haven't yet given it enough time to see if the problem still happens.

I've not had a recurrence of the failure-to-wake problem since updating to firmware version 2.16.

I tested the Inreach here at home for a few days after the update without incident. And I just returned Wednesday from a 7-day trip to the Adirondacks where I used it very much like I had been using it in Canada a few weeks ago. It appears to be back to normal.
I volunteer in a wilderness area every October. Other than a forest service radio for daily check ins to the forest service, I’m off the grid so the inreach is great to communicate with home.

However this time I came back home to a larger than expected bill. I found that although I had the recreation plan with the 40 included texts, I was billed 50 cents for every text sent and received from my first text to the last (except the free presets). I called Garmin billing and they immediately saw the problem and adjusted the bill and gave me a credit.

So make sure to check your bill.

RONR said:
I volunteer in a wilderness area every October. Other than a forest service radio for daily check ins to the forest service, I’m off the grid so the inreach is great to communicate with home.

However this time I came back home to a larger than expected bill. I found that although I had the recreation plan with the 40 included texts, I was billed 50 cents for every text sent and received from my first text to the last (except the free presets). I called Garmin billing and they immediately saw the problem and adjusted the bill and gave me a credit.

So make sure to check your bill.

Hey Ron!!!! Bill told me you made it home and had some news about the fires. I hope all is well and look forward to another Moose Creek adventure next year!

I want to get an inreach, does anyone know of a sale going on? I checked several back fri adds and didn't see this unit listed.
I'll revive this topic with a story -

The SOS feature works!

A couple of months ago my little buddy, Barking Spider, purchased an InReach unit and set up his account. He's been doing a great deal of trail work with his mule buddies. Yesterday morning in the lot across from the Hardware store, the group met in preparation to drive to the trailhead. For whatever reason, Amos the mule's saddle bag got kicked under the trailer. Yup, Barking ran that sucker over. The bang was big enough that everyone stopped immediately. Barking's immediate concern was his favorite lunch pail was ruined along with the special chicken sandwich he'd worked on before dawn. His cell phone rang within two minutes. It was his wife - first on his InReach emergency contact list - I'm second so this is how I know this story. Ma Spider asked Barking if he was okay and said she'd just got a call from the global emergency dispatch. An SOS signal was sent from Barking's unit. It was right next to the lunchbox, ruined too; how could it even work?

There was no way found to turn it off. Dispatch flagged the unit as "disregard" for the remainder of the day. Random messages were sent throughout the day. Last evening Barking worked on the phone with a Garmin tech - "great guy" Barking said. They had never seen this problem of no way to turn off a damaged unit. The solution Garmin came up with - put it in the freezer.

Barking's going without ice cream. He's afraid to open the freezer.
ski3pin said:
Last evening Barking worked on the phone with a Garmin tech - "great guy" Barking said. They had never seen this problem of no way to turn off a damaged unit. The solution Garmin came up with - put it in the freezer.

Barking's going without ice cream. He's afraid to open the freezer.
Wow! Thanks for the story. If his metal lunch pail had survived, he could have put it in there - an all metal box would act as a Faraday cage and block any RF signals.

Garmin tech support is about the best I've encountered of all the tech companies I've had to deal with over the years. I hope they get him fixed up with a new unit.
Bosque Bill said:
Garmin tech support is about the best I've encountered of all the tech companies I've had to deal with over the years. I hope they get him fixed up with a new unit.
They offered him 20% off on a new unit. Today he found a new in box older unit for less and bought it.
On the subject of Inreach.... I received an email from Garmin a few days ago saying the Inreach Mini announced in early May is now available for purchase.

I'll be interested to see what kind of feedback we start seeing on it as people start getting experience with it.

Edited 7/27 to add...

I may have been mistaken. The email says the Mini is Now Available so I assumed that meant that up to now advance orders were being taken and now they’ve started shipping. But I just noticed there are user posts in Garmin’s Inreach Mini forum dated back in June so that’s apparently not the case.
I recently picked up a mini inreach and used it on a recent trip. It pairs with your phone and maps can be downloaded. I'm pleased with it so far. So many places that didn't have cell reception in the past are now covered. That being said I will try to communicate via phone text before using the messages on the inreach that come with subscription prices. Those I'll use only if necessary and out of cell range.
I bought an InReach mini a few weeks ago, my initial searches didn't turn up any available online but it turned out my local REI had them in stock. I had briefly entertained renting an older model before locating one.

A friend had an InReach last year while we hiked the Northern section of the Muir trail, my wife absolutely loved being able to see our daily progress and campsites. So, for a similar trip this year without said friend, she decided I really, really needed one :)

I also plan on using it while campering so our kids can keep an eye on us (Sometimes they are curious), and for day hikes here in Sonoma County or the Sierras where cell coverage is usually lacking.

Short review: Probably wont leave home without it. But, I need a newer phone to really make full use of its capabilities. You can text (two-way) without a companion phone, but it's quite painful to type on a 4 button device with a one inch screen. Because of my terse responses, anybody that actually texted me was thinking I was a bit pissed . . .

I'll try and get a full review up in the Mini thread soon!

I use the inreach with the basic safety plan and pretty much only use preset messages as I can send unlimited of these at no additional cost. I have preset messages like: "I'm here all is ok", "Leaving camper for hike", "Back at camper all ok". These are set to go to family members so they know where I am and that all is ok.
If it's OK to talk about the Spot-X...Does anyone know if 'unlimited custom messages' on the $30/mo plan means unlimited text messages 24/7? If so I'd probably ditch my phone and get one of these. For what I can tell you get a phone number. This thing kind of reminds me of my old Blackberry but sportier and I'd rather not have tp pair with anything like a phone when I'm off grid.
If its like the inReach plans, it means you can send unlimited messages that you pre write - inReach allows 3 of them. They are messages like "'I'm ok", "Camping here for the night", "I will be late", etc. You can't just write and send whatever you want.
ski3pin said:
I'll revive this topic with a story -

The SOS feature works!

A couple of months ago my little buddy, Barking Spider, purchased an InReach unit and set up his account. He's been doing a great deal of trail work with his mule buddies. Yesterday morning in the lot across from the Hardware store, the group met in preparation to drive to the trailhead. For whatever reason, Amos the mule's saddle bag got kicked under the trailer. Yup, Barking ran that sucker over. The bang was big enough that everyone stopped immediately. Barking's immediate concern was his favorite lunch pail was ruined along with the special chicken sandwich he'd worked on before dawn. His cell phone rang within two minutes. It was his wife - first on his InReach emergency contact list - I'm second so this is how I know this story. Ma Spider asked Barking if he was okay and said she'd just got a call from the global emergency dispatch. An SOS signal was sent from Barking's unit. It was right next to the lunchbox, ruined too; how could it even work?

There was no way found to turn it off. Dispatch flagged the unit as "disregard" for the remainder of the day. Random messages were sent throughout the day. Last evening Barking worked on the phone with a Garmin tech - "great guy" Barking said. They had never seen this problem of no way to turn off a damaged unit. The solution Garmin came up with - put it in the freezer.

Barking's going without ice cream. He's afraid to open the freezer.
So the saga continues...............................Barking's new unit arrived and the Garmin folks were excellent in helping him get everything set up. He pulled his run over InReach out of the freezer. Today he discovered it came back to life and was sending again. If it's going to happen, it will happen to Barking Spider. He was mad. He took it out to a stump and beat on it with his 3 pounder. He drove a steel stake through its heart. It took him twenty minutes to kill it. He is incredibility impressed with the construction and durability of the devise.

They did suggest that he test the SOS function with GEOS911 on his new unit. They sent him the attached document. I scheduled a check of my SOS function for Friday morning.


  • Scheduled Test Request SOS.xlsx
    58.9 KB · Views: 97
roverjohn said:
If it's OK to talk about the Spot-X...Does anyone know if 'unlimited custom messages' on the $30/mo plan means unlimited text messages 24/7? If so I'd probably ditch my phone and get one of these. For what I can tell you get a phone number. This thing kind of reminds me of my old Blackberry but sportier and I'd rather not have tp pair with anything like a phone when I'm off grid.
Here's a screen-cap of the SPOT-X service plans....

(Click to enlarge)


The charts seem a little odd to me. They define messages as Custom, SOS, and Check-In. But when you go to the User Guide, messages are defined as SOS, Check-In, Pre-defined, and 2 Way Messaging.

I had to call Spot this afternoon to get this straight. ...

SOS messages are of course the 911-type message and those are unlimited in all the plans.

A SPOT_X user gets ONE 'check-in message' and you pre-define it in your account and upload it to the SPOT-X before use. You can say OK or whatever you like. It can go to up to ten addresses and there's no additional charge to send them.

'PREDEFINED' messages are very similar. Create them in your account (in a different place than the Check In message) and you can create 14 of them and upload them to the SPOT-X before use. Those too can be sent at no additional charge.

Then there's the 2-WAY MESSAGING category. The manual doesn't use the word 'Custom' but that's what I confirmed today... those are the create-in-the-field messages the Service Plan charts call Custom messages. So, yes, you get unlimited create-in-the-field messages (and incoming messages) on the $30 /month annual plan.

And there's yet another message type: S.O.V. or "Save Our Vehicle". This one is only available if you purchase a separate contract for a 24/7 towing/vehicle-assistance service.


I don't know about that ditching-the-phone idea. The Spot-X is assigned a phone number but it's only used for addressing and routing of text messages, not for voice.

Also- the Spot-X needs a view of the sky to send and receive messages.... a perhaps-inconvenient fact when compared to a cell phone.

You also mention pairing with a phone. A phone is optional for operating an Inreach. (Though some might argue it's not an option if you do much ad-hoc texting.)


Also-- a friendly invitation for anyone with a Spot-X.... We'd love to see what your experience has been with this new two-way satellite messenger. It would probably be better to start a new thread on it so comments on Inreach and Spot-X don't get too confused but, again, please help us understand what you do and don't like about it.

ski3pin said:
So the saga continues...............................Barking's new unit arrived and the Garmin folks were excellent in helping him get everything set up. He pulled his run over InReach out of the freezer. Today he discovered it came back to life and was sending again. If it's going to happen, it will happen to Barking Spider. He was mad. He took it out to a stump and beat on it with his 3 pounder. He drove a steel stake through its heart. It took him twenty minutes to kill it. He is incredibility impressed with the construction and durability of the devise.

They did suggest that he test the SOS function with GEOS911 on his new unit. They sent him the attached document. I scheduled a check of my SOS function for Friday morning.
Where's a camera when you need one? I'd love to have seen his expression as he drove the stake.

We need a title for that saga....


I've talked to the Spot-x people too and it does seem as though you can text away for $30/MO. From what I can tell they really don't have the firmware working properly and what you get does not work so you need to update right out of the box. I might wait a couple of months to see if they can get a few more bugs worked out. If you can just 'text away' having the qwerty keyboard would be so much nicer than having to pair your device with your phone just to get a 'keyboard'. Since I have Google Fiber now having one of these means I would definitely ditch my land line and just have it and my rather poor cell service.
They've only been available for a couple of months if I reading things correctly so not too likely anyone would have one yet but, still, I'll start a thread so I'm not hijacking this one.
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