Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

searching for nowhere

Senior Member
Jan 24, 2014
Western Washington
In my weekly newsletter from my House Representative, he indicated that the budget bill includes opening ANWR to drilling. Below I've pasted what he wrote. If you have an opinion, I suggest that you contact your representative.

On Thursday, I joined with several of my colleagues to send a letter to Speaker Ryan and Senate Majority Leader McConnell urging them to prevent consideration of any proposal that would allow oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

As a life-long resident of the Pacific Northwest, I have a great appreciation for and interest in protecting our nation’s wilderness, including the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. For many years, the Refuge has been the target of new oil drilling opportunities. This threatens the home of countless animal and plant species that depend on this unique environment to survive. For these reasons, we should continue fighting for the protection of this land. Protecting these natural gems for future generations to use and enjoy has and always will be one of my top priorities.

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1960 in northern Alaska under President Eisenhower. A public land order was signed, establishing this 8.9 million acre Refuge. The area overflows with flora and fauna in a pristine, untouched landscape where varieties of wildlife thrive in the Alaskan wilderness.
I've contacted the representative for my district on this topic as well as others. I will not refer to him as "my" representative as he does not represent most of the people in the county I live in. I know all too well the feeling that my words are meaningless to someone with a different agenda and I know the intense desire to tell the oh so reasonable sounding folks that answer the phone that the only thing that keeps me going sometimes is the faith that there is a special place in some kind of hell for those who lie, manipulate and abuse for whatever reason.

Thank you for posting this. I have been having a rough day today and it is good to know that other people care.
Ditto to that. I live in a bubble and where it is hard to contact those who don't represent me directly. Those that do are like minded on this. Todays news about this " a “back door move that never would have passed as a stand alone bill requiring 60 votes" ... makes my blood boil as it is such a slap in the face of 'light of day' scrutiny... snakes in the grass.
Same here-our rep does not even live in our district and has never once voted for something I like-that's representative government for you! Well hopefully, by the 2018 election, we can vote 'em out and if there is something left out there to save what has not been sold off, destroyed, or otherwise not damaged. Watching that so called middle class tax bs sell out vote on C-Span Friday night was one of the more depressing things I have seen in a long time-yep they were bought and we were sold out!

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