Aurora Alert

Thanks for the heads-up, highz!
Lots of dark skies in central/eastern Oregon, and we're about half-way to the north pole...maybe I'll head out to the dark somewhere with a clear northern view for a little sleep-out tonight/this-weekend.

(BTW: I posted the link on my
-- Facebook page --
so that my Friends can get the word, too.)
I remember one time we saw an aurora all the way here in southern NM. Couldn't believe it at first. To the naked eye it was just a very faint reddish glow on the north horizon. The emission lines showed up distinctly on spectra, though!
I've only witnessed one aurora and it was here in No Cal at 39.24 degrees latitude.
It was amazing, so strong I noticed it while driving with my young family (years ago).

I just went outside now and don't see anything in my forest limited view of the sky, but smelling a lot of smoke from the Robbers Fire
Just got back from Pine Mt. aurora watching -- turned out very good! No, not good by arctic-latitude standards, but good for 44° north. :)
It took until the wee-wee hours for the show to fully develop -- 2/230am... Big sheets/streams extending quite a ways up from the horizon -- with more visible by photographs.

I also got photos combining the Jupiter-Venus-Moon conjunction with the aurora -- and the Pleiades.

Photos to follow, after I work them up...after I take a nap.

(Craggyman has photos to share, too)
Sounds nice Mark.Our aurora here on the Monterey coast was a real nice GRAY,so can't wait for your pictures.Have only seen them one time in Alaska,but remember as a kid in Pa.we saw them sometimes.
Thanks in advance for the photos.
OK, here are a few quick ones...before my much-needed nap!

This is the first one I shot after I came out of my camper at 2:30am this morning, camped on the "hang-glider summit" (the north summit, ~6000') of Pine Mt. (lights of Redmond, Oregon)
To the naked eye, all the color was not visible, but the streamers/banners/whatever-they're called were still clearly visible to the naked eye -- just not as colorful.

These next two include Jupiter, Moon, Pleiades, and maybe's still down in the smoke-haze (from all the wildfires).
_DSC4859.jpg _DSC4860.jpg

The moon was very over-exposed, but waddya gonna do? (later, I tried an HDR multi-exposure-time approach to deal with the moon, but I'll work those up later, if it's worth it).
The horizontal smeared lights are headlights of vehicles (smeared by the 20 to 30-second exposure) driving along US 20, 2000 feet below.
After not being too impressed with the aurora up to 12:30 am, I went to bed in my camper and set my alarm for 2:30am, by which time Jupiter and the Moon would be up with Venus to follow soon after, hoping that that would be interesting to photograph.
When my alarm went off at 2:30 I got up (as I said earlier, these were "the wee-wee hours"), and when I stepped out of my camper I was surprised and amazed to see the "lights" shooting up into the sky!

"The crown of glory!", my half-awake but excitable mind exclaimed...I'm not sure what I meant by that, but that's what went through my head -- I think I said it out-loud, too.
A little over the top? I had a good time!
An inspiring evening for sure. After I left MarkBC snoozing peacefully in his pop-top I headed west to take my very non-enthusiastic partner home to a warm bed. Fueled up on gas and Red Bull and made the dash for Sparks Lake where a friend was sending me texts berating me for not getting my ass up there for the show. No wind and fabulous reflections greeted me. This is one of the last shots as the rising moon and pre-dawn glow were taking their toll on the skies contrast.

An inspiring evening for sure. After I left MarkBC snoozing peacefully in his pop-top I headed west to take my very non-enthusiastic partner home to a warm bed. Fueled up on gas and Red Bull and made the dash for Sparks Lake where a friend was sending me texts berating me for not getting my ass up there for the show. No wind and fabulous reflections greeted me. This is one of the last shots as the rising moon and pre-dawn glow were taking their toll on the skies contrast.


I would hang that on my wall. A+++
Decided with a favorable forecast for more solar activity to try it again on Sunday eve/Monday morn.... :oops: I'm a total glutton for punishment as the 0500 bedtime on Sunday morning was putting me in a daze. Of course this is all prodded along from my friend, ace astrophotograper Brad Goldpaint daring me for another sleepless was a bust compared to the previous evening, and of course it could of gone off like crazy after I left but could only make it till around 0100 and the warm bed and a remodel to start in the morning had me heading for home. Caught this pic just before I left Sparks Lake, Broken Top Mtn with a bit of aurora glow and some nice movement in the star reflections. The color seems a bit odd on this one after I uploaded, somesort of compression issue perhaps.
Thanks again for the complements on the photo.


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