Auto Logout?

Wandering Sagebrush

Free Range Human
Site Team
Nov 17, 2013
Northeast Oregon
Something seems to be different on WTW now.

I am frequently asked to sign in, even though I have checked the 'remember me' box. It's happening more times than not, plus happening on several different machines.

Is this to be expected, or is something hinky?
Hmmm.... That's strange. Especially odd if you used to stay logged in but now it's not.
When did this start?

It's not happening to me...I wonder if others are experiencing this.

Please chime in, folks.
MarkBC said:
Hmmm.... That's strange. Especially odd if you used to stay logged in but now it's not.
When did this start?

It's not happening to me...I wonder if others are experiencing this.

Please chime in, folks.
I noticed it several days ago. It happens on the desktop, laptop and iPad. All Apple products...
Wandering Sagebrush said:
I noticed it several days ago. It happens on the desktop, laptop and iPad. All Apple products...
And you can stay logged in to other similar websites? It's just an issue with WTW?

I've not experienced any problems with other forums, just WTW, so it's not like the authentication cookies are all getting blown away. Between the time that I originally posted, and now, it has logged me off my iMac again.

I thought it was me because i had to get this site and all the rest of my usual internet world used to my new lp. Yep, It was happening to me since i got my new lap top too; i would have to go thru the whole log in process every time i wanted to add my usual two cents, then for a while i was logged in all the time-without doing anything to log in-i would come on to this site already logged on even after i logged off on a prior session! Now it's back to what it used to be, when i come on the site, --- i'm not logged in until i log in myself like it used to be,, but w/o having to give my handle and password each time.

I just "reported" this topic, which sends a notification to Admins.
We'll see if they can offer any insight or, better yet, help.
Just another datapoint. Left the iMac logged in to WTW, came back. Did a refresh, and it wanted me to log in again. The iPad was also logged in at the same time, it stayed logged in.
Another observation. If I am not logged in, the posts (at least in this thread) appear to be in the future. My computer clock is correct. Does the system use a different time stamp for guests?

Screen shot 2014-08-12 at 11.18.53 AM.png
Wandering Sagebrush said:
Another observation. If I am not logged in, the posts (at least in this thread) appear to be in the future. My computer clock is correct. Does the system use a different time stamp for guests?
I've noticed the same thing...and I've always assumed that it's because the default time is the time at the site-hosting server -- presumably in some east-of-here time zone. Or maybe the server just uses Universal Time (aka Greenwich Mean), no matter where the server actually is. Either way, if the user doesn't have a profile then the site doesn't know what local time to assign; apparently it doesn't use the user's computer clock.
The local time appears correct when/because you have it set that way in your Profile settings.

I may have found a cure... TBD w/time.

On a hunch, I went into the cookies, and deleted the WTW cookie, shut down the browser, then brought it back up and logged into WTW. That was about 3 hours ago. So far, no issues. I'm not holding my breath, but...
craig333 said:
I haven't had this problem. I wonder if its browser specific. Running chrome here.
I'm running Safari. I've also got FireWeasel (Firefox), but have not checked it. If my hunch proves out, I am going to suspect that somehow we got a dirty bit set at either the server, or on my machines. Since it's on all of my platforms, plus Smoke's, I suspect a server.
Wandering Sagebrush said:
I may have found a cure... TBD w/time.

On a hunch, I went into the cookies, and deleted the WTW cookie, shut down the browser, then brought it back up and logged into WTW. That was about 3 hours ago. So far, no issues. I'm not holding my breath, but...
Is WTW still remembering you without reminding it -- that is, did you cure it?
Using Chrome and intermittently was being logged out, but now seems like every time. My username & password are there when hitting sign in.
MarkBC said:
Is WTW still remembering you without reminding it -- that is, did you cure it?
OK, I am on the iPad now, and it did remember me. I will go check the iMac in a minute.

Edit: OK, on the iMac, and it remembered me. So we are getting close to 24 hours without a problem. Maybe we have a cure.

I would recommend that anyone else with an issue, try deleting the cookie for WTW, then close the browser, bring it up again, and log back in. Then check it a few times. Interesting, these toys of ours...
Looks like you've figured it out, W.S. Maybe it will work for others who are experiencing this glitch. :)

If someone using the Chrome browser has this problem and wants to try this solution but isn't sure how to find and delete the WTW cookie(s), here's how, below.
I had to search to figure this out -- I don't think I've deleted a cookie in a long time, so I figured there might be others who don't already know.

  1. Click Settings
  2. Click Advanced Settings
  3. Click Content Settings
  4. Click All cookies and site data
  5. Scroll down to and/or (I have both for some reason)
  6. If you hover your cursor over one of these entries an "X" will appear on the right; clicking on the "X" will delete the cookie. Or...
  7. Or...You can click on the entry and see the individual cookies, one of which should be "member_id". You could just click on member_id and delete that one, and that might be enough.
If anyone else has this problem and tries the delete-cookie solution, please report your results in this thread.
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