Back way into (out of) Capitol Reef

Bosque Bill

Senior Member
Oct 27, 2012
Albuquerque, NM
Anyone taken the Pleasant Creek - South Draw Roads into or out of Capitol Reef NP?

Not (necessarily) looking for current conditions just an overall impression. Thanks.
I haven't taken that route yet, but would like to someday. I'd like to be able to say what S. Draw road is like, but I can't say with any real experience. My long-time Utah backroad experience would say that you should not count on anything or a passable road in many parts. We had record snow pack and places like the Tantalus creek crossing (with no bridge I believe) is a complete wildcard. A record hot day might be a record flood of the creek. I might wait until mid-June and then only give even odds on making it through. Just my thoughts.
BTW, if you happen to find any inside info on the road conditions this year for S. Draw road, please post them. I might try it too.
Sorry, I should have updated this weeks ago, but my mind was somewhere else.

NPS reported South Draw Road as impassible, so I didn't even try it.

You can get recorded & updated road conditions for the Capitol Reef park area by calling ‭(435) 425-3791 and following the prompts.

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