Baja Editorial Soap Box


Post Master
Apr 27, 2006
The Old Pueblo
As most of you know I'm not very opinionated. My comments on OvEx and OvJourn attest to this. I've given a lot of thought on whether I should post my thoughts on this or just exercise the delete button so I'll try not to make this a rant.

When Our group was headed home after this last Baja trip we encountered a Mexican family about half way between Coco's and Gonzaga. They had a RR flat that they had driven on and shredded. I was about 10 minutes ahead of the others. The Mexican family pleaded with me to stop. They didn't have the right tools to change out the tire which had wedged itself in behind the break backing plate. I radioed the others about the situation and when we were all there we gave the driver a breaker bar and correct deep socket to free the wheel. He had a small bottle jack that was not going to be sufficient.

After the wheel was off and about 2 hours of different (hacksaw, diagonal cutters) attempts to get the the old tire un wedged, we tied it off to the hitch and pulled it free. We deflated the spare because their inadequate jack couldn't get the truck up high enough. Got the tire mounted and used one of the compressors to get it back up to pressure. The driver and his dad and brother did almost all the work. We just supplied a few needed tools. These folks had their entire family (gramps, granny and brother, husband, wife and 2 kids) as well as their livelihood in that old F250. Did I mention it was hot and very sunny. They were taking 1200 pounds of pulpo (octopus) on ice from Guerrero Negro to Mexicali to sell. While we were helping them a group of several very high dollar, race type, "buggies" driven by Americans and a number of high dollar SUV's driven by Mexicans just blew by us and only one said "need help?" We could have used a high lift but we managed. The family said they had been sitting there for hours until we stopped. They could have lost their entire load, had we not stopped to help.

I know our group isn't unique on this forum but what has happened that so many can't take a little time to pay it forward? You can take this to the bank. We felt far better in being able to help then the folks we helped felt. Being able to assist our fellow human beings quite literally made a good trip into a great trip.

And the bag of fresh pulpo they gave us that Pam cooked up for lunch was delicious.
He had a small bottle jack that was not going to be sufficient.

LOL....when i first read this sentence...knowing WTW as I do....I read "he had a small bottle OF jack that was not going to be sufficient"..... LOL. Damn WTW alkie-burners.

Kudos for stopping and getting out that pencil, jay. ARE IN THEIR COUNTRY.... right? How quickly folks forget, huh?

happy trails......

While we were helping them a group of several very high dollar, race type, "buggies" driven by Americans and a number of high dollar SUV's driven by Mexicans just blew by us and only one said "need help?"

I hate to paint with such a broad brush but I think you nailed the crux of the problem. Same thing happens in this county. People forget where they came from - or never had to 'come up'.

I just hope that I'm not 'that guy' - I think I would have stopped but I haven't been in that situation.
Jay, agree with you ---but in this day and age i would be very careful of who i would stop for.
in your case you had others with you makes it a little easier to be a good fellow traveler.

to counter your thoughts we had a encounter on a back road to baja barselia baja a van
stopped in middle of dirt road heading to beach young man standing with gas can,indicating
he needed gas,my gut feeling was that something wasn't right so i drove around without
stopping. once by as i watched in mirror side door opened two more men got out,young man got in back older guy got in front.
we were back on the highway as we turned towards Loreto and sure enough the van was just coming into view .
who knows what if?
first time in over 30 years going to baja that i felt un easy.(remember we travel by ourselves)

just my thoughts on your experience .

glad you all had a great trip shame it was so short!

drive slow and enjoy "its the journey"

To be sure always error on the side of caution. And I had a harrowing experience near Caborca years ago. And we've been avoiding Baja for 8 years. it's Mexico with all of the current problems. However you can get just as dead in Montana or California or Arizona.

But in this case it was on a well (Hwy 1 to Gonzaga) traveled road in both directions and it was clear who we were helping. Unless they could fake a shreaded and still attached rear tire plus an entire family including 8 &9 year old daughters and all the sweat and dirt on them from trying to fix it for hours I felt pretty safe. And as you say we were in a group.
Most-excellent, Jay! Thanks.

If more people said, "Can I help?" instead of "Why should I? What's in it for me?" it would be a better world for all.
Is that view a little simplistic and idealistic? Are there potential hazards in following this path? Yep. It's a principle -- a goal for attitude and behavior -- not magic. But without that principle, that goal, in effect then there's no chance that the world will get better. It'll just become darker and scarier.
Sound a little highfalutin? OK, but it's at the core of Jay's post: "Does it matter to me if others suffer, and should I do something about it?" I say "Yes".

As most of you know I am very opinionated...

I will try and not stray to far off topic-----but i realize it is just or
more than likely more dangerous on this side of the border.

We have had plenty of encounters over the years right here in the states
even had someone shoot our truck while camping! ----but when we are out and about
we are always ready for the out of normal inter action with "fellow" back country users.

The wife and myself always "cover" each other when there is any doubt.
and in the states we can still do it and be legal, so far!

That is why i made my earlier remarks.

Now if people would keep their dogs off the roads i would really be happy!

Drive slow and enjoy "its the journey"

I've only regretted stopping one time. Its the right thing to do. For sure, listen to that voice that tells you "not this time, doesn't feel right" but thats not often.

I know I'd have been in a world of hurt a few times if no one had stopped.

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