Baja Norte Trip Report


King Taco
Sep 9, 2007
Oxnard, CA.
Hola Wanderers...

I took off for a quick strike trip to Baja the day after Christmas with the dog and a couple of buddies. More importantly, it was my first shake down trip in the new Hawk (about darn time), my buddy joined with his Grandby/2007 Tundra combo.

We spent three nights at a right point in Baja Norte not too far down from Ensenada, surfed some OK waves, ate like kings, and drank like...well...uh, we won't go there right now. All in all a great trip, nice weather except for some light rain on departure day.

Observations on my Hawk/Tundra set up....not that I didn't know this already, but loaded down with boards, gear and a half tank of water, airbags are in my VERY NEAR future!!
The water tank leaked a little as I've read in previous discussions too, but no biggie. Also, a handful of the screws holding the couch/bed structure together seemed to rattle out, I've since re-inserted with silicone, we'll see if that holds on the next trip. Since I have no furnace I opted to go with a Coleman Black Cat heater which worked nicely. In summation, completely stoked on the set up.

Well, gotta go clean up the rig and prep as I'm heading out again tomorrow with the GF for a quick New Years Eve overnighter in the local Los Padres mountains. Attached are a few pics from the trip...


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nice bug! sunman

from looks of pictures you had the beach to yourself,does it seem like their are less people from north of border ? with all of the stories of rip off's etc,seems like people are thinking twice before stopping or camping in baja norte your thoughts on this ,looks like it was on the cool side ,were you doing some diving or did you buy the bug? anyway always love to see baja pictures glad you rig worked out,now you can start adding things to make trips better!drive slow and enjoy "its the journey"
There was one other rig camped way down from us and a couple of other rigs came in and camped for a single night and left, but essentially the place was ours. Driving down from TJ I noticed most of the typically gringo populated areas were gringo-less for the most part, there were 2 cruise ships in Ensenada on the way out on Saturday though (Craig333 ??). Wouldn't normally camp in Norte but was short on time and off the beaten path somewhat (25 miles off of Mex 1), I certainly wouldn't camp anywhere near Ensenada or San Quintin. The bug was from the the fish camp. Definitely chilly in the afternoons/evenings with the wind, especially after spending hours in the water, nothing ole Don Julio didn't cure though!

Gracias Marcos, the langosta was outstanding!

One final rear door window rattled loose on the washboard and was flopping around, looks like I'll be doing the window mods in previous threads later this week! Have a safe and Happy New Year everyone...
Our ship left port Friday. I should have brought binoculars (though with the way the ship was rocking they might have been hard to use). I'm sure I would have noticed an fwc up on the hill. My mom told me "you don't need to bring a jacket" I'm sure glad I didnt listen to her. It was cold most of the time.
Very nice SunMan.

The new Hawk looks great on the d-cab. That big, cheesy grin must come standard with the FWC/lobster/Baja/Don Julio/beachside campsite.

Cool stuff - :cool:
You got that right KCOWYO!

OBTW, never heard how your run up the Pacific coast a while back was? I think you were talking about doing Big Sur among other places...or did I miss a report?
You didn't miss it, I've just been slacking sort of.

I did make the trip, including Big Sur. I'll try to put something together and post it up soon -
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