Baja trip in progress


Senior Member
Oct 5, 2007
We are at LA Bay after crossing the border at Tecate, on to Laguna Hanson for two nights, Mex 3/5 to San Felipe for two and then Gonzaga Bay for three nights. Our Grandby is doing fine with the exception of ripping off the right rear jack somewhere on the famous Huerfanito grade. We didn’t even feel it go! Discovered it missing when we got to Gonzaga Bay. When I discovered it missing, I also noticed that the right front jack had “auto-extended” itself about 18”. I’m wondering if the lost one did that too and got low enough to catch a hummock in the road. This segment of road was very rough but not so narrow that we coulda caught a tree stump in passing. (see pix)

We had a chance to use the Grandby’s heater extensively at Laguna Hanson (5500’). It was in the low 30’s there at night. The heater heats up the camper very quickly but, without the insulation package (at home in the garage! -- I know, but we were thinking warm and sunny Baja; right?) it also cools very fast. We got chased out of Laguna Hanson by snow! Baja always has something up its sleeve.

Right before we left home I installed the relighter for the Norcold fridg as described in these pages (thanks for that, Chinle). The relighter seems to work pretty well except that I find it sometimes continuously sparking even though the pilot is lit. The propane fridge didn’t work worth a damn at Laguna Hanson (elevation); then worked OK at Gonzaga Bay for a while, but is now not even cool with the pilot running fine and the dial on max cold. I am really getting tired of trying to cope with the Norcold. The cost of the quality electric fridges is beginning to look like much less of an obstacle. I wish they made one that would drop in in place of the 3-Way.

Our solar electric set-up (described in earlier posts to this forum) is working great. (Making 5.3 amps at the moment.) It gives us more than enough to run the CD player and computer as much as we want and the lights on all evening.

Our cat-litter toilet is also working out very well. Thanks again to this group for that.

This is our first extended trip in the Grandby and we still haven’t got it worked out how to pack: food containers, clothes containers, bedding containers, etc. We have learned that on rough roads, everything seeks the lowest level and boxes without lids distribute their contents evenly over the floor and then over the layers of previously distributed material.

More later, Hasta Luego, Bob
I'm thinking similar thoughts...

The cost of the quality electric fridges is beginning to look like much less of an obstacle. I wish they made one that would drop in in place of the 3-Way.

I might be starting to think similar thoughts...

Norcold builds a unit that might be a drop in replacement for the Dometic 1.9s: DE-0051/DC-0051. The DC only version looks to run about $550. Another $50 for the 120 option.

Someone do the mod and tell us how it works! :D
I'm Confused

He thinks the Norcold that he has is a total POS, and you think he should get another one.
He thinks the Norcold that he has is a total POS, and you think he should get another one.

Doin' everything I can to help the economy!
Auto-extending jacks.

When you crank up the jacks, be sure to snug them up tightly once they are up all the way. Washboard road vibration can cause them to lower over time. We noticed two of Simimike's legs had extended a few inches after driving Titus Canyon Road.
Headed to Gonzaga Bay in Oct...been there a dozen times since an FJ cruiser. Now headed down in an 04 tundra with a 94 Starcraft pop up in the bed...

PS that old roaf over Huerfanito?????PAVED now...all the way to Rancho Grande,,,actually 2 miles past the Pemex....glad to say I did that old road when it took 5 hrs to go 43 miles...but really happy to do it in less than an hour now!! more fishing and beach time
Man that's some old memories for me on that route. Snowed on us at Laguna Hansen about 30 (or more) years ago and the trip down the Pacific side about once every few months to surf. San Felipe about once or twice a year. Used to go into town to some fish market and get a kilo of the biggest shrimp you've ever seen for about $5. Case of corona was $5 and the deposit on the bottles was $6. I guess you know what they valued more back then!

One question. Is the gas any better now down there? I had an extra water/filter installed on my truck then because the fuel was hit or miss. We've talked about doing a long road trip from Idaho to visit Baja again, hence the question on gas.
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