Balcelona ,Spain

Casa Escarlata Robles Too

C'est la vie
Site Team
Oct 16, 2009
monterey bay area
Since our daughter won't be able to come home for Christmas we spent 2 weeks early her
house in Barcelona.
We have made many,many trips there since she moved there over 15 years ago.
Usually we take side trips but due to her work we stayed around the city.Had a great time seeing
the sights and eating all the great food.
Barcelona is a special place we never get tired of visiting.

Barcelona pre Christmas 2015

Frank, wonderful report. Barcelona looks like a interesting city, but I did get hungry looking at all the food photos!

Gaudi's architecture is fantastic!

Thanks for sharing!
Great photos. Can you imagine construction projects having that long a timeline - and the local will to see them through? X2 on the food photos - looking at these right before starting to cook dinner was tough!
Spain is amazing. I've been to Madrid, Toledo, Seville, Granada, Alicante, and many points between. The palaces, cathedrals and castles are incredible.

I haven't explored around Barcellona, but it is on my list.
Frank, what a great opportunity you have visiting Barcelona and your daughter. I expect we'll never get to Spain, so this is special for us to see your travels there. Thanks for sharing with us! :)
Frank, Great report. Like Ski I will probably never get there either so seeing things through your camera is great. Susan was there in 2010, taking a bus from the cruise ship to the airport so only got to see the skyline. Happy Holidays. jd
Frank enjoyed your pictures. My daughter is in Le Planes D'hostoles north of Barcelona for Christmas this year. She just told me about the tradition of Tio Nadal “cagatió” or the pooping log. Hope you are having a merry christmas.

billharr said:
Frank enjoyed your pictures. My daughter is in Le Planes D'hostoles north of Barcelona for Christmas this year. She just told me about the tradition of Tio Nadal “cagatió” or the pooping log. Hope you are having a merry christmas.

Thanks Bill, Tito is quite the thing. They are everywhere. A fun time.You should get there it's a great time.
Happy holidays,merry Christmas.
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