
For folks who have not bought new batteries yet but are looking at this thread for advice I have revised my thinking based on exchanges with Rando. See edits to my previous comment #7 to this thread. I am now convinced one can routinely use 50% or so DOD on high quality AGM and 80% DOD on LiFePO4 assuming appropriate charging and temperature environment.

Given daily power needs up to around 45 - 50 Ah, if I were doing my battery shopping now I would be looking hard at high quality12 V AGM 100 - 125 Ah (group 31) such as Lifeline, Trojan, Dekka which cost around $250 - $300 and weigh around 60 - 70 pounds or 12 V LiFePO4 80 - 100 Ah battery such as Battle Born which cost around $800 - $900 and weigh about 30 - 35 pounds (or even a DIY LiFePO4 battery for around $300 ==> see Rando's post). All this written, I don't think there is much margin built into these numbers so if you camp in a place where you may not be able to routinely recharge your batteries everyday and you have needs in the 40 - 50 Ah range then you may want to have more capacity than 100 - 125 Ah.

Apologies to anyone who may have made a purchase based on my earlier pre-revision) comments and are now reading this and shaking their heads.


Fortunately the cummins doesn't really care how much weight I carry. The lighter weight of the lithiums isn't a sell point to me. Faster charging, thats the part that interests me.
Hi there, I've been reading a lot of these threads and there is just way too much information so I went ahead and bought these:

I don't know much about batteries and plan to put these in my Hawk. It only has an ice box now and no solar. I plan to add a 2 way fridge down the road and am looking at different heater options as it's just the base model with no heater. If anyone has an Atwood 1802 for sale please let me know! Also open to heater options!

Please let me know your thoughts on this battery setup, just now ordered and hoping it's a good option!


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