Battery Box Access?


Advanced Member
Sep 26, 2010
Montrose, CO
My wife and I recently picked up a 2013 Hallmark LaVeta!!!

The camper was originally set up to be "bare bones", but we want it that way to keep things simple and do our own mods and keep the weight down.

We want to have interior access to the battery compartment. With the camper off, there is a door at the very front that gives you access. But, with the camper on the truck there is a hatch to the battery box, but the battery is not accessible because it is in a sealed tin compartment.

I'm thinking of using a dremmill tool to cut away part of this tin box so we can access the battery. We want to do this so we can directly wire our water pump to the battery. If I cut away an access panel I'd make another cover that would velcro in place, but allow us to access the twin 6 volts.

My concern is the batteries gassing off and into the camper. Yes, they're vented to the outside, but do you think I'd create another problem by cutting into this area?

Thoughts, advice...

either that or use the same access hole for your new wires as the existing hole for the existing wires....your water pump won't have that large a wire that you couldn't sqeeezze another one in ...

AGM..much mo betta
We have 6V wet cells in a vented plastic box. The vent hose is in the lid of the box, but the lid is not sealed to the bottom. If your mods won't upset the existing venting or they adjust it to continue to work right, AND the batteries are in good shape then I see no reason to replace them. Do the batteries have hold-downs?
If you have a good vented battery box I don't see any advantage to AGM batteries.

My suggestion is instead of velcro use ductape. You should only be accessing your batteries a couple of times a year to check SG and fluid levels and the ductape will seal the cover to the box.


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