Ben has moved to Missouri


Senior Member
Oct 5, 2006
Marty mentioned this awhile back. I am still getting mails from time to time from folks and I don't have a problem with answering them. Just thought I would throw it out again that I have moved to Missouri to be with my daughter and have sold my interest in ATC. There are still a few customers that stay in touch from time to time and it is nice hearing about your trips and ideas.

I pass on anything that comes to me still to the guys though and I know they are getting back to everyone.

I wish everyone well and I still read through the posts from time to time.



You're doing good. Keep on Truckin'!

-Buzz (from Austin)
Good luck in Missouri

Good luck in Missouri Ben, I think you did the right thing, for you and your daughter.
If you ever come down to Cancun, let me know and I show you the area.

Will let you know when. Probably next fall. I would love to bring my daughter down when she is old enough that I can take her diving.

Should be used to the weather by then also. Seems to rain every day here. Everyone tells me it is unusual this time of year. Keeps everything green though with about 200% humidity it feels like.:)

Hope things are going well.

Cancun is getting better

Little by little we are getting back on track. The pig flue thing was a huge success for the media and great distraction from the faltering economy. But I personally think it was blown way out of proportion.

The weather is beautiful in general, just a few short showers today around noon. The beaches are still in place and looking like in the catalogs and postcards, very tempting if your sitting in an office.

Your daughter can start scuba diving with 8 years officially. Mine started with 6 and still loves it after 5 years.:thumb:

Looking forward to your visit.
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