Big Blue Sky Cougar Build

Thanks Vic. It takes some careful free-hand jig saw work to get a cabinet like that, and it is never absolutely perfect, but I like just a little bit of "hand made" look to something like this.

I forgot to include the pic of the antenna. When you have AM/FM you need a good antenna and the only ones that really bring in the distant stations is the old school type on the outside...

It was designed a little strange though as it would turn on the mount and droop down. I had to put a little screw on the inside to keep that from happening so it stays upright. This was the only hole I cut in the upper part of the camper, and I will say that no matter where you drill and how careful you are you are probably going to hit something unexpected. There are wires back there, and blocks of wood and metal braces in various places. I thought I was safe going in right next to the 120V outlet, but I hit a block of wood and of course just the edge of it rather than going clean through. Took a little extra work to make a clean shot for the antenna wire to go through. I am glad I don't have to drill any more holes.
Thanks for the heads up on the Truma system! It's a great idea; I'll be looking into it for my build.
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