BLM Brochures


Feb 2, 2010
Bend, OR
We are looking to acquire BLM visitor brochures to particular areas of interest around the west, especially for their awesome maps of these areas. An example of what we are looking for is here:

Black Rock Desert

If you are going to an area and stop by the kiosk, we would really appreciate it if you could grab us an extra copy or if you are done with yours and you don't mind passing it along, that would be great.

DirtyDog (aka Captain Leisure) may be scheming a rewards perk for your contribution, so perhaps more on that later... However, I have only acquired stickers and socks, so don't hold your breath :) Just kidding :) I am psyched to have both :)

Thanks so much!
Even if you don't have a brochure, if you know of a BLM area that rates high for backcountry exploration, please let us know about it so we can try to obtain the brochure from the BLM.
Didn't find any brochures but I did find my ham radio books while I was looking. Time to start studying.
For those of us who have no knowledge of the WTW super secret P.O. Box, How would someone go about getting the a fore mentioned brochures into your possession?

My address is in the sticker thread at the top of the members private forum. I appreciate it!

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