Bodie on Bing


The Weatherman
Site Team
May 24, 2010
Bend, Oregon
Are you folks familiar with the daily photos on Bing-- the Microsoft search engine? There's a new one featured as the page background every day, and you can also page back over the past 7 days to see previous days photos. They're always excellent photos -- sometimes phenomenal -- most-often landscape, but sometimes wildlife and city stuff. And each photo has 4 hot-spot links to more info about the subject. Hover over the copyright © in the lower right to see the label (what/where it is) and credit.

Anyway, todays photo is of Bodie -- which I've never visited, but I know is a favorite of some of you I thought I'd point it out.

Yeah its a cool side jaunt if you're in the area. Little bit washboardy to get over there but if you have the time its worth the vibes. :LOL:
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