Bottle jack accessories

It looks like those jack extensions and bearing plates could be very useful. Thanks for posting the link.
I was given the full suite, I think, of these products as a thank you for towing a truck from BFE, NV to Bend, OR. They're heavy! Quality looks good, haven't had cause to use them. A handy enough garage fabricator could duplicate them. If you didn't already have the various sizes of tubing and strap laying around I'm not sure that you can beat the price if your time has value.
Bump for this topic.
Safety is HUGELY more important in "Central BF Nowhere" than in suburbia where ER and surgical teams are standing by.....

Edit: Mods: in light of the above FACT....
May I suggest a "Backcountry Safety" heading where safety related topics/products/training/kit/etc. can be covered/ centralized? We have a wealth of knowledge on site of first responders, docs, nurses, and mil corpsman on site.
Topics would include avoidance (as above), and treatment after (supplies/kit plus skills sources), and comm after (Delorme/PLBs/etc) an incident, plus any other relevant info. (Example topic: wench use safety). Small missteps in harsh environments can have huge consequences far from civilization.
There are eager, inexperienced youngsters joining in BC exploration that don't know what they don't know....
And all of us (definitely me included) can learn something from some of us.....
And sometimes reminders (reality checks) are appropriate for the best of us.
Just a suggestion.
I'm lucky I never got in real trouble when I was 18 and just learning off highway travel. Not sure we need a separate topic but maybe we do.

Back to the jack. I thought about it too, if I had a lathe, more skills etc, I could build my own. I don't which is why I ordered a set (sans jack).
Interesting stuff for a bottle jack. and possibly more junk to add to my ever growing field kit-may need a trailer or another truck pretty soon to carry it all :p ! Just a quick note, when you get a handy man (high lift) to use on today's trucks you need to get a whole bunch of new gadgets to go along with it (other than just the standard base plate) to be able to properly use it.

I really don't want to use a hi lift to change my trucks tire. Bad enough using it on the Jeep. Changing my tire in the White Mtns in the middle of the road with the factory jack is what me decide an improvement might be nice.
The educational system presents the student with information, then proceeds with a test without severe consequences.
Life gives a TEST. If you happen to survive the test, you are presented with information for evaluation.

I have "paid tuition" in the "School of Hard Knocks" altogether too many times....
And I will again, but with the help of other experienced travelers on this road, I hope to sidestep as much "tuition" as I can.

Thanks everybody, for the information/knowledge shared here!

Observer. Retired, but young at heart.

Carry on...
Well I have not had much experience in trucks and off road and campers and GVW stuff so my eyes have been opened a bunch by following this site. Had all these folks not shared some of their troubles and fixes I would not have even known what to expect in a less than good case scenario. Of course there are lots of cool and fun things to read also. I am so glad I stumbled my way onto a site full of knowledgeable and helpful people:)
Happyjax said:
Well I have not had much experience in trucks and off road and campers and GVW stuff so my eyes have been opened a bunch by following this site. Had all these folks not shared some of their troubles and fixes I would not have even known what to expect in a less than good case scenario. Of course there are lots of cool and fun things to read also. I am so glad I stumbled my way onto a site full of knowledgeable and helpful people:)

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