Brookville Tailwaters


Ouch, that stings!
Nov 25, 2013
Carmel, Indiana
Went camping at Brookville SRA with plans to fish the Brookville Tailwaters (East Fork of the Whitewater River) Friday, twice Saturday, and Sunday morning. Last weeks weather took care of that. We had 10"of rain and our rivers were swollen. We arrive Friday in the rain and drove down to the river. It was running at 5'. Saturday morning early 7am it had dropped to 3' for two hours. We got there at 10am and found out they sounded the horn around 9am and the river was up to 6' and flowing at 2,300 gallons a second. I went in and gave it a try. As of a few minutes ago, it was still just over 6' and the flow rate hadn't changed. I will have to schedule another trip there is June. jd


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Looks like a great place - nice picture.

The rivers are pretty well blown out here too, but after several years of drought they needed a good cleaning and the recharge. It will be a late season here but probably a great one as the fisheries recover.
Although high, it looks like nice water. What are your techniques and fly selection for that tailwater and what species of trout?
Ski, they just stocked the river with rainbow the Saturday before, and there was heavy rain both days. There are browns as well. I could see trout jumping on the far bank. In my attempt I was using a red San Juan worm and 2' up the line had a small fly. I used a walking stick and nearly stepped off. The flow was too swift to do much. I spent time talking to 3 guys and they said at 7am the water was 3' and the flow slowed down and they landed a number of rainbows. My timing was not good. I was too far from the far bank. My cast was swept downstream so fast that I couldn't even get a successful mend. I'm determined to beat the dam. jd
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