Buena Vista Valley Nevada


That is really cool, I've been to the Unionville area doing inspections for the state but have not gone there to explore. You've definitely piqued my interest. I love the fact that you went looking for the airmail beacons and found one still standing. Too cool!
Wow, very cool indeed. I remember we talked about these and wondered if we would be able to find some remains. But you way exceeded that and found an intact beacon. Way to go!
A few years ago, when I was a Tear Dropper, we had a teardrop rally in Unionville and we all camped in the Mokea Whitaker park. I don't know if they always allow it or if they just made an exception for the rally. It's a beautiful area.
Very interesting. I'm sure you're right, if I'd stumbled upon it I would have had no idea what it was. I wonder how far off my wild guess would be?
Another winner of a TR. Thanks for posting.

Love the concrete arrows! Great dike, too.

3pins, in the 90s I spent lots of time in Unionville because a pal of mine owned the Oldest Schoolhouse in in Nevada and the newer double wide-and metal barn on the hill above. In those days the B&B was frequented by Hollywood types and had a good business. I've hiked many miles in those mountains. There are some big mine ruins above the town that are worth a visit.

I always wondered how those early mail pilots got across the Great Basin at night and now I know. Thanks! Great report.
Doug Stewart said:
3pins, in the 90s I spent lots of time in Unionville because a pal of mine owned the Oldest Schoolhouse in in Nevada and the newer double wide-and metal barn on the hill above. In those days the B&B was frequented by Hollywood types and had a good business. I've hiked many miles in those mountains. There are some big mine ruins above the town that are worth a visit.

I always wondered how those early mail pilots got across the Great Basin at night and now I know. Thanks! Great report.
Interesting Stew, nice to know you had a connection.
Thanks again everyone for your kind comments. They are appreciated.

I wanted to let you know I've been continuing to turn up more information and I've done some minor editing. The last arrow we visited is an Air Mail Beacon on the original route -

[SIZE=small]"The original transcontinental Air Mail Route followed the railroad and Humboldt River across Nevada. This was used for only one year until the [/SIZE][SIZE=small]infrastructure for the new[/SIZE] route was established from Battle Mountain to Fernley. This route was 150 miles shorter."

I've also added a link to another website I found

Arrows Across America
There's a great map of the Transcontinental Air Transport, Inc. route across the country.
You can click to zoom in for more detail where you can see all the rail lines too.
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