Buying a used FWC checklist

Vic Harder

Doctor Electric
Site Team
Nov 14, 2015
Calgary, Alberta
Is there such a beast? I'm sure I saw one once, but my searches didn't turn one up. I'm sure having a sticky here with "what to look for" in a used camper would be handy for lots of folks.

Awesome! Thanks Wuck! I had read this post before.... good know I wasn't just imagining it. Otherwise, I might have to cut down on the wobbly pops. :eek:
Vic Harder said:
Is there such a beast? I'm sure I saw one once, but my searches didn't turn one up. I'm sure having a sticky here with "what to look for" in a used camper would be handy for lots of folks.

Vic, thanks for the prod. I just pinned it. We may want to move it to a more generic area, as the info applies to more than just FWC Campers.
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