Camper maintenance and woes

Gormley Green

Jan 17, 2011
Squamish, BC
Taking a short trip down to Mt Baker tis weekend for a splitboard festival. Haven't had the camper on since my last TR to Sloquet hotsprings last fall. Sometimes I feel like my camper is a boat - in that the longer it sits around the more things stop working!!

Today I filled the water tank and turned it on and my side sprayer (faucet mod) had cracked and was spraying water everywhere. Went to Home Depot and bought another brands sprayer handle, took some modifications to install. It leaked in the cabinet and soaked all my paper towel and TP. :mad: Finally got that sorted, I think. But now my Shurflo is constantly running, even though it's primed. Time will tell what's going on here but it got dark and I had to give up on my problem solving.

Furthermore the right arrow button on my Morningstar remote meter is not working. So to navigate the menus I have to use left. No biggie, except you need to hold both of them to reset the stored data :(

Boat = 'bust out another thousand' :D I'm far from that in these trivial items in the camper but man, frustrating. A small price to pay for the enjoyment. Says a boat owner. Or a camper owner. At least I have the chance to sort these things out before the big April trip we have planned!

Rant over.
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