Camper weight


Advanced Member
Jul 6, 2014
Caliente, CA.
Weighed my rig yesterday. With 25 gallons of water, 3 gallons of propane and minimal camping gear, (bedding, etc) my 10' CO weighs 2800 lbs. Total weight of the truck (1996 W3500 Dodge CTD standard cab) and camper is 9800 lbs.
Hi Rusty.
I weighed the truck, full of fuel, before picking the camper up. Then yesterday I weighed the whole thing again, with the camper on just after filling the truck with diesel. Certified real life weights. Same public scale. It does seem a bit high for a pop up, but not alarmingly so.
Propane with tank:45 lbs
Water: 180 lbs or so.
Camping gear and bedding: maybe 200 lbs??
Good info for you to know and smart to weigh it at the begining (if it's new to you).

Is there a serial plate with a wt listed to compare to ?
David, there is an owner's certificate that indicates "Shipping Weight" of 1940 lbs. No indication of what that includes in the way of optional equipment. Jacks? Fridge? I just don't know. That's why I usually get real weights. Like you said, it's good to know for sure.
I also usually get real height and width measurements.
Thx Bill. Couple years back we were looking at having one built and Bryan at Alaskan gave me a number of 18-20Lbs/ft wet iirc. Call it 19, and that's where you are - or the certificate anyhoo :) .

Checked your older posts, wow nice camper - wouldn't mind that one myself ! and you've got the right truck for it.

Hope you enjoy using it !
Just back a few days ago from a trip to Death Valley. I had the Tacoma with the camper and full load of camp gear and decided to stop at the CAT scale in Mojave. I've driven by this place so many times thinking about getting the rig weighed. The weight was 6420 lbs. I need to go get the truck/camper weighed without the gear inside and another without the camper but that will have to wait for the time being.
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