Campers and Bears

Dan-try this sites' search option, Mark BC started a good one on this last June called Bears and soft top campers, also another one concerning possible soft top restrictions in Yellowstone was started last October! Good info for a start to your question.

The quick answer is yes, if bear boxes are available I'll use them. They don't put those out just for fun. If theres no boxes I don't sweat it.
I am also curious about how everyone handles bear country. I did read somewhere that you need to contain your gray water as the smell of the soap and food bits will also draw them in....
100acrehuphalump said:
I just posted your line " Bears and soft top campers" as well as " soft top restrictions" in the search bar and still nothing comes up...
Just keep trying sometimes it does not work right all the time, use allot of combinations, you need to bring up the next page.Also try hitting mark BC's name and looking up his posts, use my name-i know i make a comment on it., I'm sure Craig said something on that subject before, so try that. You have to out smart it :D !

In bear country you use the bear boxes if they have them.Like Craig, I don't worry about it if I don't see them., that's why, you use the net or phone or stop by the nearest land management office,before you go to new places to find out if there are any problems Me I always shove my ice(beer/vodka-no meats etc) chest under the truck-sort of hard, so the racoons and bears will have a hard time pulling it out or stick it in the cab (If a bear wants in yes he will come in but you can't spoil your trip worrying about it) that's why I have a dog-anything gets close to the camper and he let's me know about it and you can start to make noise or something-again most of my meat and veggies are in the frig in the camper.and if a bear wants to come in my dog and my bear spay/gun should keep him out. And yes never wash your dishes in bear country and dump you dirty water next to your camp- never leave out a temptation! I think someone a while back had a great picture of how not to leave your camp and bears are not stupid. Was it Ski-let me think about it.

Every situation is different, sometimes you are where you have to put it in a tree, sometimes there are bears that are used to humans and moving somewhere else is the only answer short of trying to kill the bear. Use your common sense, don't go looking for problems. Didn't we just have a thread on this a while back, let me see if i can find it! I've spent allot of years in black bear country (not griz) and while i understand they seem to be getting more aggressive of late you can usually scare them away. Whether you are camping or hiking, it helps if you pay attention and don't advertise. Come to think of it Idahoron and others just make a few comments on a recent thread on bear human interaction-hit his name and check his latest posts until you find that. one
Here you go

I used Google search with 'wander the west bears' as the search criterion.

If I am at a park where I am told what to do, I will do that. Barring instructions, anything looking like a food container from the truck cab goes into the bear containers, as will storage boxes with grills, etc. Bears will tear into a truck cab easily and I can spend a few minutes loading and unloading to avoid issues. I feel safe with most food items in the camper, especially stuff that is sealed or in the fridge. At Yosemite in November I was told to keep the food in the camper, or the bear box, and I was OK with the waste water container out overnight.
Happyjax said:
I am also curious about how everyone handles bear country. I did read somewhere that you need to contain your gray water as the smell of the soap and food bits will also draw them in....
National Parks require you to remove your gray water container when you are not around and at night. I just stick it in the truck.
Yep - use the bear boxes if provided. It will keep you out of official hassles if nothing else. Otherwise, the camper is usually fine, but we purposefully do not carry smelly food around. And if we want to cook fish, meat, etc. it is always outside on the fire or grill. Grill is then cleaned and stored in the cab. Some friends use a bear box as their receiver hitch storage box, heavy but effective. Especially good if someone rear ends you too.

The soft side issue seems somewhat up in the air. The FS regs on the campgrounds up by the Beartooth seemed to not allow soft sides at all, but friends said the campground host told them the pop-up camper was over 6' hardside and ok. Might depend on what campground host you get.
You can trick google (or other search engines) by typing something like

bear proof FWC

That way it only searches the site you want. It works way better than the built in search here.
Bseek said:
You can trick google (or other search engines) by typing something like

bear proof FWC

That way it only searches the site you want. It works way better than the built in search here.
Cool tip. Thanks!
craig333 said:
The quick answer is yes, if bear boxes are available I'll use them. They don't put those out just for fun. If theres no boxes I don't sweat it.
X2 here. Keep our camp clean and be able to make noise and turn on lights.
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