Camping with a Cat


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2012
Vail, AZ
Just thought I'd weigh in on our almost 3 years experience with our cat(s) on board while camping in our FWC Grandby shell. Early on my wife and I had some trepidation on how well Jessica (now 15) and Charlotte (11 when she passed in '13) would do together within the reasonably tight confines of a truck and popup camper combo. The answer has turned out to be, pretty doggone well. Here are some notes on how we've accommodated kitties within our camping setup.

1) Initially there was some kitty 'separation anxiety' upon leaving home, not surprising since they were not used to being in a moving vehicle. That can be expected to last for up to a few hours upon leaving on a trip, but they tend to catch on pretty quick and settle into the inevitable ("nope, we're not turning around!")

2) Early on we built a two-tiered plywood 'platform' with topsides covered in thick carpet for their enjoyment; they get to sit up high (bonus) and get to see out, and enabled them to pass-thru between the truck cab and camper whenever they wanted. The platform mounts against the folded-up reat seat of the truck, hung in place on a suspended travel clothes rod. It works great and is highly recommended.

3) Where to locate the litterbox while in traveling mode? Initially we placed it next to the rear door of the camper, but discovered that neither cat was interested in venturing back there while we were in motion. So we placed the litterbox within a slightly larger black vinyl tub (normally used to capture our shower water), lodged on top of some boxed camp items directly behind the driver's seat. Jessica uses the litterbox without hesitation now while we're traveling, so we don't need to have the pass-thru window open between the truck cab and camper anymore, now it's pretty much superfluous for kitty use.

For kitty food, we keep a portable tray up front with two sealed containers, one containing her usual Iams dry food, the other water. When we stop driving to take a break or gas up, etc., we open up the containers whle we're stopped and let the cat eat/drink if she wants. Sometimes she does, sometimes not. In the end, she's well fed along the way.

In camp, the kitty hangs in the camper much of the time. If we're staying multiple days, we set up a large tent and she hangs out in there when we're in camp and hanging around outside, otherwise she happily goes back into the camper, and especially likes the upper loft area.

When it seems reasonable to do so, we'll walk her around camp with an upper-torso harness and retractable doggy leash. Granted, being a cat, she doesn't savor this as much as a dog would, but she generally appears to like it and it gets her out exercising and seeing the sights.

She sleeps right there on the bed with us, burrowing under the blankets if it's chilly, and eats/sleeps/pees/poops at will in the camper's litter box and food/water containers. Never seems to be fussy. Very cool.

If you're inclined to want to take your cat(s) on trips, I believe you should give it a try. We routinely do 3-week trips with cat on board and she's thriving on it, a true 'camping kitty' for sure. Pix below:



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Thanks for this post, RicoV.
What age was your cat the first time she went camping with you? Had she done much/any vehicle travel previously?

I made a half-hearted effort at getting my kitty accustomed to travel, but never got as far as taking her camping. She's gone now, but I figure that if I get another cat I'll start her traveling when she's young.
always like to hear others include cats in travel trips.
we would never go with out our cat Bella part of our "family".

Bella goes back and forth from cab to camper,as we keep litter and food/water
in camper.she also keeps a close watch on me and soon as it looks like we are going she's in the
truck and in her spot (under my seat).

and yes we plan our trips so she will always be comfortable with the temps.

Bella has been with us for eight years,Rocky who she replaced was with us for 16 years.

have never taking a trip with out either.

have posted pictures of both in the past,but do not post pictures anymore.
Jessica was 12 and Charlotte was 10 when we first started taking them out with us. They had no previous car-time except for trips to the vet, so you can say they came into it untested. I suspect that starting them on it younger would be a good approach, and also leash-training them when young would be a bonus (Jessica accepted it more readily than Charlotte).

It's good to know others take their kitties out with them. Jessica goes on all our trips now, like Bella does with Les, and we wouldn't have it any other way (nor would she).

I can't resist adding just one more photo, heh heh...


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What a cool cat. We had a cat that liked traveling. He would also take walks up to 1 mile without a leash. He loved exploring, but he got fatigued after about 1/2 mile and could hardly make it back. Wish we had a camping cat now. Our kitties are homebodies.
I used to have a cat that I would take with me when I traveled between California and Arizona. I would let her out at night in the desert and she would always be there in the morning. That cat was awesome, one of the best ever.

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