Canada border

Final thoughts:

The unvaccinated who become infected become unwitting hosts for new mutations of the virus.

The incidence of infection after vaccination is so low that it almost eliminates the risk of there being enough people infected to give rise to new muttions that can spread. That is part of the reason why vaccinations are so important (on top of keeping people from getting sick and being hospitalized).

Almost all of the new cases are in unvaccinated people. The vaccines are clearly working and keeping the vaccinated from becoming hosts fpr the virus to mutate.

Without hosts the virus can't mutate.

Without infected people the virus can't spread.

If the virus can't spread then this whole problem would go away and we could travel freely (but of course there are millions of unvaccinated people in the US who are refusing to get vaccinated so that isn't going to happen).
Until my grandkids are able to be vaccinated I will continue to wear a mask around people I do not know. I am fully vaccinated but going to protect the kids.

Hi Vic

I may be wrong but I read that the US has delayed entrant across its border but Canada is still allowing certain US citizens non essential passage INTO you nation starting August 9th.

David Graves

It's to hot down here right now anyway! Question is, can I get to Tuk this year?
If they open the border as planned on the 9th. I'm hoping to spend Sept/Oct roaming around in the far north in search of wildlife to photograph. Fingers crossed.......

The latest annaouncement (see Vic's post above) is that the Canadian border will not reopen to non-essential travel before August 21. But Canada is now seeing an increase in new Covid infections (not as bad - yet - as the United States) and the number appears to be increasoing day over day so I am now skeptical the border is going to reopen to non-essential travel this summer.

Form the various information sites it appears that the Canadian Government still intends to open the border to non-essential travel on August 9 (with several requirements including full vaccination and pre-crossing covid test). However, the UNited States gGovernment on July 21 announced (see Vic's post) that the US border with Canada and Mexico will remain closed to non-essential travel until no sooner than August 21.

According the the Canadian Government Border site, vaccination is required at least 14 days before crossing and a pre-crossing Covid test is required within 72 hours before crossing the border. Random people will be selected for post crossing Covid testing.
ckent323 said:
The latest annaouncement (see Vic's post above) is that the Canadian border will not reopen to non-essential travel before August 21. But Canada is now seeing an increase in new Covid infections (not as bad - yet - as the United States) and the number appears to be increasoing day over day so I am now skeptical the border is going to reopen to non-essential travel this summer.

Form the various information sites it appears that the Canadian Government still intends to open the border to non-essential travel on August 9 (with several requirements including full vaccination and pre-crossing covid test). However, the UNited States gGovernment on July 21 announced (see Vic's post) that the US border with Canada and Mexico will remain closed to non-essential travel until no sooner than August 21.
According the the Canadian Government Border site, vaccination is required at least 14 days before crossing and a pre-crossing Covid test is required within 72 hours before crossing the border. Random people will be selected for post crossing Covid testing.
Craig will you now go back to plan "A" ferry travel both ways?
Excellent question. Right now, it sounds like you can enter Canada in late August, if fully vaccinated.

But will you be able to enter Alaska? Will you have to quarantine?

Too many ifs for my comfort!

Our plan A has always been to take the ferry both ways. Plan B is to cancel the return ferry reservation if the Canadian Border opens and drive back.

We have been hopeful that we would be able to switch to our preferred plan B as we watched the virus cases decline but, because of the rapid spread and increase of new cases of the Covid Delta variant amoung the millions of unvaccinated people, the reopening of the border to non-essential travel is starting to appear less likely now.

None-the-less, we understand and respect the expert medical opinions and are supportive of the Goverment efforts to get the SARS CoV2 Covid pandemic under control even though it is very inconvenient for us. For example we minimize our exposure to crowded places and still wear masks in public places even though we have been fully vaccinated since late April.
Vic Harder said:
Excellent question. Right now, it sounds like you can enter Canada in late August, if fully vaccinated.

But will you be able to enter Alaska? Will you have to quarantine?

Too many ifs for my comfort!
Vic.....where are you getting late August? I just read in the paper down here in Arizona that it would be August 9th when Canada started allowing non essential travel for fully vaccinated personnel. Also, the paper here seemed a little confused as to whether a covid test would be required 72 hours prior to crossing. Fact or fiction.....inquiring minds want to know. Thanks........
Park, I think confusion is the rule right now. This is the latest I can find (and from your target destination too I believe!)

Here's what you'll need if you're crossing the border into Canada next month - Alaska Public Media

This article is slightly older, and outlines the divergent viewpoints:
Biden diverges with Canada and extends border restrictions until at least Aug. 21 - POLITICO

I expect the rules to change frequently. As Craig333 points out, the variants are making this hard to predict (variants.. hah! Anyone else here watching LOKI? ) and I don't know that I would want to travel with that much flux...

New posts - WTW

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