Cape Blanco -- southern Oregon Coast

Well, I thought it was a much older view (circa 1974) of the CBLH, but now I'm not sure. The paint job is a little different but yours has a door where mine does not; and mine has a window where yours does not.

Very interesting.

If your photo is that old then I'm sure that yours is also Cape Blanco, and they've just remodeled a bit in the 37 years separating.
The grassy knolls on which they both sit look identical. The trees showing in my view could have grown that much in that time. Looks like they've re-roofed, too.
If your photo is that old then I'm sure that yours is also Cape Blanco, and they've just remodeled a bit in the 37 years separating.
The grassy knolls on which they both sit look identical. The trees showing in my view could have grown that much in that time. Looks like they've re-roofed, too.

You're, as always, correct. I did a quick web search and, while there are plenty of west coast lights, none looks that much like the one at Cape Blanco. Funny about the door and window, though.
You're, as always, correct.
Funny about the door and window, though.

Aw're not doing anything to help my humility , my friend!

About the door...I bet somebody realized: "Why does the door face west when we users of the door approach from the east? Let's switch it around."
The window in your photo kinda looks boarded up -- or at least tightly shuttered. Maybe they decided to do away with a window that's not being used, part of the same remodel that switched the door.

What I didn't like about the lighthouse area was that they had signs all over the place prohibiting wandering around the cape outside of the parking lot and grassy areas, to keep me from "falling off the cliff" or "falling into holes", I was told.
And tourist-guide volunteers kept their eyes on us visitors to make sure we were only there for the lighthouse, not the cape.

Of course, I could have gone back in the evening...don't know if there was a night watchman or not.
I don't go to the coast much but maybe I should now and then. Nice report :)

Thanks, DD.
Yeah, it had been a year-and-a-half since my last coastal visit, and I've gone for longer periods than that, since I've been mostly a desert rat for the past 20 years or so.
But there is a line from an early-'70s song (which shall be unnamed
): "the ocean is a desert with it's life underground...", so maybe it makes sense to include the ocean in my itinerary more often.
When we picked up our camper in talent, OR we returned via Hwy 42 to Coquille and Bandon. It is a nice but winding road which we like as ther eis little traffic. I5 is the last place we want to be. We stayed at the State Campground north of Bandon and got the 4th to the last spot there in mid August on a Wednesday. Love the Oregon Coast and want to make one last trip before winter then return in Early spring to look for agates. Thanks for the tip about the lava and fall foliage along 126. Another photo shoot to mark down. I enjoyed your trip report and photos.

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