Carrying Camper Legs


Senior Member
Jul 11, 2006
quote "Seriously though, we had those winds also. We travel with the camper legs and put them down at night. You can see this in the photo in my Death Valley report. This keeps the truck from moving in wind and even when I'm walking around cooking or doing the dishes (again, its always the guys working). Anyway, you still get the noise as the canvas flaps around, but otherwise the truck is steady. Don't know if you have the legs, but we feel it is worth bringing them along.


I've been going back and forth whether to carry the legs. Disavantages I see are extra windage and weight, and something to snag obstacles. Advantages are as Ted says, plus being able to set the camper off if your in an area for awhile. Any thing I missed? Do advantages usually outweigh disadvantages? Anyone with incidents to document?

Besides what Kilroy just told you, I have found that if I am camping in a spot that is almost level I can use the legs to level the camper out. Never try to lift too much when doing this. Just a little works though.
My truck is so stiffly sprung it doesn't move at all when walking around or when the wind blows. And I know I'm the type to catch it on something offroad and I really don't want to see what kind of damage would happen then.

Can't see taking it off either. I either have my Jeep along or if for some reason I needed drive somewhere its not hard to put the camper down and take off.
Like you Craig my 2500 is so stiff there is very little movement. When the FWC was on my T-100 it was quite a different story. Also lin places like the Kofas, and a few places in Anza Borrego and the like the jacks would be a clearance problem.
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