Carson Pass - Mokelumne Wilderness - September 2020

Neat hike... September turns, the only month of the year I haven’t skied in Oregon (or any place else), I’m jealous!

Great report, thanks for letting us tag along!
Nice little day hike - 10 miles at 8600' +. You guys are in great shape. Keep it up!!
Wandering Sagebrush said:
Neat hike... September turns, the only month of the year I haven’t skied in Oregon (or any place else), I’m jealous!

Great report, thanks for letting us tag along!
You are most welcome Mr. Sage. Thanks for the kind comment! In regards to year 'round turns, WTW member Tim is our leader -

Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Thanks for the trip.
Another beautiful area.
Great you have gotten some out of house
time before smoke and NF shut down.
Frank, thanks for the nice comment. We'll be patient and see what the days and weeks ahead bring. Lets keep our fingers crossed for an end to the current crisis.
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