Composite lift panel cracks?


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2012
Just got a new Fleet a month ago and have noticed what may be little hairline cracks in the lift panel. I've attached photos as well. Is this normal and just part of the composite panel itself or is this something I should be worried about?



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It doesn't look right, maybe shine a flashlight behind the panel after dark. If you see any light shine through it's definitely defective.
Mine is the same way. I sent pictures to FWC last year and they said this is normal. No issues with it so far.
Have you been lifting a heavy load, like a canoe or kayaks or rocket box? I'll have to check mine since I lift a canoe or sea kay sometimes. I use the music speaker stand to do any heavy lifting though. It takes most of the stress off the lift panels.
If I remember correctly, those are wrinkle lines from the plastic sheet that has the release material on it when the composite is poured into the form. We pointed these out very early during the switch to these panels and the company did their best to try and prevent it.
Yep! Spoke to the Jackson dealer and he said it’s normal and totally fine!
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