Converter problem...Fixed

b team

Senior Member
Dec 26, 2006
I had a issue with the in camper battery not charging and the charge gauge and lights always reading low and dim. Sometimes power would be good and other times very weak. I narrowed the problem down to the converter by tapping on it.

I removed the front panel on the sink/stove cabinet and removed the conveter. One of the small bolts that hold the converters PCB to the converter chassis was loose and not grounding. Tightening this fixed the problem.

Hope this helps someone. I do a lot of offroading and washboard roads. I'm impressed that the wood screws and such have held up so well.

Glad to hear one of our old campers is holding together well for you. The converter must have been installed by the customer somewhere along the line. Back then we didn't offer any converters for the campers.

As I was first reading your post I was about to post back that is sounded like a ground problem, then finished reading and saw that you found it. If it continues to work loose on you, a little lock tight on the screw should fix it for the long haul.

Happy camping.
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