Curious Butte Valley - Death Valley National Park


Those are excellent pictures of Butte Valley. Looks like you went in and out Warm Springs Road. From our home, it is much shorter to go through Goler Wash both in and out. You were there during some gorgeous weather. Butte Valley isn;t too bad even in summer. A 8 years back we did it for New Years completely covered in snow.

Below is a couple of pics from Echo Canyon. Mostly I like to see my good 'ole Isuzu Trooper (that truck was my adventure machine at an adventurous time) and the second pic is an amazing group of rocks that fell just right.


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I wondered if that was you guys. We were the white & silver Cummins-Dodge/white Phoenix pop-top that passed you going the opposite way somewhere a little east of PSR yesterday.

I really like Butte Valley, need to get back out there and poke around more. You've showed me parts that I've missed.

I've read that Goler is some tore up, but haven't seen it yet. D Brenner posted a picture of a pretty serious looking road building "opportunity."
Great shots and tales from Curious Valley, 3pins!

As one of my most favorite places in the world, I love hearing about adventures from there.

Here's a old slide from my first trip to the valley. There was snow falling in the Panamints at the time.

Did you find my name in the summit register?
Great shots and tales from Curious Valley, 3pins!

As one of my most favorite places in the world, I love hearing about adventures from there.

Here's a old slide from my first trip to the valley. There was snow falling in the Panamints at the time.

Did you find my name in the summit register?

Stew, Nice International! Diesel?
Nice report 3Pinners...I see you found the spot. I am somewhat suprised to see the Geologist's Cabin was vacant during Thanksgiving week. There sure is "something" magical about that valley, never get tired of it.


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I wondered if that was you guys. We were the white & silver Cummins-Dodge/white Phoenix pop-top that passed you going the opposite way somewhere a little east of PSR yesterday.

I've read that Goler is some tore up, but haven't seen it yet. D Brenner posted a picture of a pretty serious looking road building "opportunity."

Our trip was the first part of the Thanksgiving week so that wasn't us going past. The east side of Mengel Pass, that we hiked up, is in awful condition. I would not drive it.

Great shots and tales from Curious Valley, 3pins!

As one of my most favorite places in the world, I love hearing about adventures from there.


Did you find my name in the summit register?

Stew, the register was a mess. We cleaned it up and carried out what was obvious junk. The Lady went through the log books and read me a few entries. She must not have seen/found yours.

Thanks all for the kind comments.
Stew, Nice International! Diesel?

Sorry, Gene, a gasser, but it had four bucket seats! We drove up to Mengel Pass and down Goler the next day.

Mengel Pass:

Goler Wash:
Nice report 3Pinners...I see you found the spot. I am somewhat suprised to see the Geologist's Cabin was vacant during Thanksgiving week. There sure is "something" magical about that valley, never get tired of it.

Yup, we found the spot :)

The Stone Cabin was occupied every night we were there. Sunday evening a rig came up and claimed it, spent the night, drove out in the morning. Monday, as we were descending off of Curious Butte, we watched a vehicle drive in and up to the cabin. I have never seen a flag go up so fast. When I thought the Cabin may be open Sunday night I was wanting to carry the tripod over, light up the interior and see what kind of exterior night shots I could get. We went by on our night walk, whoever was there looked pretty settled, and we elected not to disturb.
Stew, the register was a mess. We cleaned it up and carried out what was obvious junk. The Lady went through the log books and read me a few entries. She must not have seen/found yours.

I guess after 30 years, my entry joined the junk category--sigh. It was a neat little hike though and thanks for the summit photos.
Well, if we're adding photos (just to show more of the area, let me know if you don't want this)... all are from a 9 hour, day trip in 2009 on a Honda Trail Bike ride with 3 friends.

The route from the West side


Golher Wash (Coyote Canyon Road), at the start. The road was pretty good in 2009.



Farther in.


Between The Barker Ranch and Mengal Pass (this was about average for this section).


Sorry, I don't have any photos of the "V" (steep narrow section, after the Barker Ranch, towards Mengal Pass), or the Pumpkin Patch (pumpkin sized, a few larger, boulders, after Mengal Pass down into Curious Butte Valley). Warm Springs Road is a lot easier.

Stella's place (past Mengal Pass, in Curoius Butte Valley)


Interior (Someone was respectifully camping there).




Russell's Camp.










The Geologists Cabin.


Curious Butte






And, on the way back thru Gohler Wash.


At the Ballarat General Store, for a cold soft drink.


I could go on, but enough of this hijack.

I hope the interiors are still in as good a shape as they were in 2009.

If you go, please respect the area. For motorized or wheeled travel, stay on the roads. Pack out what you brought in. Leave all historical or vintage items (those are not your personal "finds"). Do remove modern trash left by inconsiderate explorers (thanks to the ski3pins, as always).
Great pictures everyone. I'm hoping to take Anne up to Geologist's Cabin this season. We never sleep in the cabin. Hanta Virus gives me the creeps but we do enjoy the cabin for dining and socializing.

I know I've posted this video before but here it is again in case there are newbies reading this thread, 2010 trip to the cabin via Goler Wash:

I guess after 30 years, my entry joined the junk category--sigh. It was a neat little hike though and thanks for the summit photos.

Mr. Stew, I just checked in with the Lady on the summit register. There was only one log book in the can and the dates only went back to around 2006. Looks like the "geezer" entries are gone. Too bad, I was already planning a trip back to photograph your past entry!

Great trip report, as always. Thanks for sharing. I hope to get out there and visit Death Valley NP one of these days.
I agree ski3pins, that striped butte is mighty curious! Thanks for the report. If it wasn't so far away from us, I'm sure we would be spending a lot of time out in Death Valley and the surrounding areas.
Very photogenic. I wanna go there. It looks like a friendly place with all the cabins. Beautiful, too. Thanks.

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