
Senior Member
Aug 24, 2007
Crossville, TN
I just finished reading DD's interview on Truck Camper Magazine. I knew DD did the mining history stuff, but I didn't know he did all the other web stuff.:thumb:

Gosh DD, you're busy. I hope you don't neglect us here at WTW with all the other web site stuff you are doing.

I must say that I have really, really enjoyed your WTW forum. It's just choc full good info and good comaraderie. However, it has cost me some money. I ended up buying a new FWC camper shortly after finding this forum in 2007 and learning the benefits of these light weight campers.

Keep up the good work, DD.
I found that under the Dog's gruff exterior is a very complex and humble man! :D

Cool interview. Glad to see you're getting some exposure from outside sources.
You'd have known that stuff if you'd made it to DV. We made sure and grilled DD around the campfire.
Congrats on the TCM article! I enjoyed it! Gordon does a good job on these and it's a great way to find other campers out here in the real world. Thanks for letting me join!
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