Death Valley Days 2009, Patrick Report

We drove to the campground at Furnace Creek and it was about 20 degrees warmer. Got two camp sites for the 4 of us; there is plenty of room now that the holiday weekend is over. We enjoyed a campfire before bed.

Tue., 1/20 – We had a leisurely morning under sunny skies with cool temps. We discovered that Simi Mike was camped almost directly across the street from us and he came and visited with us on the way out. It’s his birthday today. He’s been retired since last April. He said that being retired, “is like being a teenager with a big allowance,” and highly recommends it!


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After Mike left, the rest of us went to Furnace Creek Ranch for a big breakfast. Grave disappointment when we walked up the restaurant and saw it was closed. A moment of silence, then discovered it was the Buffet, and the restaurant was next door. After a hearty breakfast it was across the street to the interesting Borax museum. The 20-mule teams hauled borax wagons on roads with sharp turns. They had to train the mules in the middle of the line, which stretched over 100 feet, to jump over the middle chain and pull away from the corner so the wagon wasn’t dragged into the ravine before it could get to the corner.


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Borax Museum............


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We said our farewells, and headed to the Visitor Center. There is an excellent continuously playing 15-minute-long slide presentation about the park in the auditorium. If you ask at the front desk, they have a binder with pictures of the tremendous 2005 flash flood that killed 2 people and swept concrete bathrooms a hundred feet downhill. Sections of main paved roads were washed out and took 7 months to get repaired. The binder also has pictures of earlier in 2005 when the park got 6 inches of rain (the previous record for one year was 4 inches) and there was a huge wildflower bloom that covered hundreds of acres with color. There are also pictures of kayaking at Badwater, which filled up with a couple feet of water over a large area.

We drove back to Lone Pine and up to the Alabama Hills where we FINALLY, after all these years found Mobius Arch. Turns out there is an actual marked trail to it from a turnout just off Movie Road. We walked out to it and there are two arches there that will provide beautiful morning shots if the weather cooperates. The forecast is for mostly cloudy and a chance of showers after midnight.

Wen., 1/21 –Morning came quick, like they all do on vacation, and headed over to the Arch before sunrise. Weather was partly cloudy but at times there was sun beaming down to get some pictures. We had a leisurely drive back to Carson City that afternoon.


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More Arch...........


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Going in on Whitney Portal Road look to the left and you will see the “Rock Monster”. If you like signs with twisted meanings then “Blow out tire sale”, Why would you want to buy a blown out tire?? When I lived in Bishop I used to work for Simpson.


Summary: As I write this it has been raining and cloudy since our return, well since I’m slow here it stopped yesterday. We could not have asked for better weather in January for the trip. We had a great time meeting all of you and swapping stories. Even though we have been to Death Valley many of times, we always see things in a different light and perspective. There are a lot of undiscovered places we have not visited in the park and I’m sure we will return to further explore. Here’s hoping for future group Wander The West travels…


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Wow that was thoroughly entertaining! And I just don't attempt to spell "thoroughly" for just any ole thread!

Photography was wonderful and viewing this trip from different perspectives is almost the best part (just behind tacos and beer)! It was really great to meet you guys and we hope to see you on future trips!

Have you taken those "for sale" signs out of your window yet?
Thank you Marc and DD.

Still have the signs but I want to get the bumper back on and a new air cleaner housing custom made and a few other touches taken care of so the next owner has no worries. Then it will go up for sale official. Funny you make it better then it has been only to sell it???

Pictures were from a mixture of three cameras shoot by Carol and myself.
Patrick & Carol

Love the pictures and write up - especially the arch with snow capped Sierras in the background. Could I expect any less from anyone with so much camera equipment.
It was great meeting you and I hope we can get together again - whatever you may be driving at the time.

From one Patrick to another...

Wow...what incredible pics and a great trip report

some kinda fun!

thanks for sharin'

Patrick & Carol,
Outstanding report. Your pics are amazing. Thanks for taking the time to post them.

Great pictures and write up, thanks much. Sorry to hear that the toy broke but glad it was just a bumper mount (though in your case a bumper is a bit more technical than most of us). Enjoy.
Great trip report. Yuma is a little annoying he got left off the guest list but he'll get over it.
Great trip report. Yuma is a little annoying he got left off the guest list but he'll get over it.

Sorry Craig, Tell Yuma he is now on the list.
Yet another great trip report.

Patrick & Carol

Love the pictures and write up - especially the arch with snow capped Sierras in the background. Could I expect any less from anyone with so much camera equipment.
It was great meeting you and I hope we can get together again - whatever you may be driving at the time.


X2 about the arch pirctures. That's a part of DV I haven't seen yet.
As usual great stuff and I wouldn't expect anthing less. Alabaama hills!! Just one of the best places on earth even if my FWC almost burned to the ground there.

Its the end of an era. Perhaps the finest Hilux around.
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