Death Valley from Lone Pine via Eureka Dunes possible right now?


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Dec 27, 2006
East of Sacramento
We will be heading south soon, passing through Death Valley as we go. I have never been to Eureka Dunes and would like to go in to the park that way from Lone Pine, i. e. Lone Pine to Eureka Dunes and then to Ubehebe Crater. The daily report on DVNP's website doesn't include that road and their Facebook page for road conditions isn't very up to date. Anyone driven this route in the last week or two?

Ted, to reach Eureka Dunes, I'd go in from Big Pine on the Big Pine Death Valley Road. It's about 50 miles. Then take Death Valley Road to Ubehebe. Watch for possible ice at the top of the Inyos. Usually there is only a spot or two. People have been driving into Saline Valley via north pass so BPDV road is useable. Death Valley Road past Crankshaft Corner is wide and graded. There can be washboard, don't be suckered into driving too fast.
The dunes are cool Ted. They are also the coldest spot we have encountered within DV. I think it got down to 11F the night I took this photo.

I had a 2.5gal. jug of water freeze solid inside the bed-shell with me one T-Day weekend at Eureka Sand Dune. The very next year the same weekend overnight the remnants in the margarita pitcher either froze solid or to the consistency of molasses. I'll second that motion for coldest part of DV!
The road to the Dunes is kinda strange. Paved portions mixed with unpaved but wide high speed dirt road. I wish I'd taken the time to drive in to the Dunes. Something for the next trip.
Lighthawk said:
The dunes are cool Ted. They are also the coldest spot we have encountered within DV. I think it got down to 11F the night I took this photo.

Great shot of the moon.Is that Mars also in the picture?
I am a sucker for moon shots.
Hey, Andy and Frank - if the date and time is correct in the picture info, that object is Beta1 Capricorni aka Dabih. It's a double star, but you only see the bright component in Andy's beautiful pic.

Hope this helps satisfy your curiosity.

Edit: It's a double star in binoculars, but actually there are even more stars in the system that can't be resolved, except by their spectra. There are at least five stars in this very interesting and complex system.
Ted said:
We will be heading south soon, passing through Death Valley as we go. I have never been to Eureka Dunes and would like to go in to the park that way from Lone Pine, i. e. Lone Pine to Eureka Dunes and then to Ubehebe Crater. The daily report on DVNP's website doesn't include that road and their Facebook page for road conditions isn't very up to date. Anyone driven this route in the last week or two?

Ted, when I drove into DV via Eureka Dunes the dirt/sand sections were world-class washboard and that is a very long road. I can't speak to the conditions today, but, as 3pin says, be prepared.
Dang, HIghz! You are an astro-sleuth! Double star, eh? :unsure:

The date/time on the EXIF should be accurate (if I had the camera clock set exactly). 6:38pm sounds about right, and you can look up the azimuth of the setting moon. I was using a tripod-mounted Canon 7D (1.6 crop factor) with a borrowed 100-400 lens, maxed out at 400 focal length (640mm in 35mm). The limiting factor is the time value
Dang, HIghz! You are an astro-sleuth!
No doubt. That is impressive.

As far as Eureka Dunes go, I just realized the route is from Big Pine, not Lone Pine. So I'm not sure I'm as prepared as I should be if I don't even know the route. But then again, NOAA weather shows it getting down to 29 F the night we would be there. That is pretty normal winter camping for us. No big storms lately to have washed the road out. I think we are good to go. Washboard is the norm in DV. We will probably go from the dunes to Racetrack, and that road has nasty washboard as well. Just going to have to air down the tires and take it slow. And drive Mrs. Ted crazy by going, "Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" for hours on end while we bounce down the road. :p
Ted said:
Just going to have to air down the tires and take it slow. And drive Mrs. Ted crazy by going, "Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" for hours on end while we bounce down the road. :p
Ted, you always know how to make things fun! :)

and highz, incredible astro-sluething!
Don't want to hijack this thread, but this kind of astro-sleuthing isn't that hard with the right tools. PM me if you want more info.

"Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" :D :D Make it a duet with Mrs. Ted.
Alas, no driving Mrs. Ted crazy on bumpy roads. A family emergency required our return home. Eureka Dunes aren't going anywhere so we will have to plan a new trip another time. Thanks for the input.

I hope all is well back on the home front. Too bad you missed out on the dunes and MrsTed missed the washboard. :D
Thanks for your concerns. Unfortunately a day into our trip we received word that my wife's Father passed of a heart attack. It was quite unexpected as she had just visited him two days before and he seemed to be in good health. Fortunately they had that visit and she is doing well.

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