Death Valley National Park - November 2015


Belay On
Site Team
Jun 30, 2009
Sierra Nevada Range
The weather forecast indicated a coming storm. Would it hold off just enough to make a trip to Death Valley worthwhile? We gave it a try and now the story is complete and up on our blog. You are welcome to tag along and we hope you get some enjoyment out of it.

Part One is up and running -

Death Valley National Park - November 2015- Part One

as is Part Two-

Death Valley National Park - November 2015 - Part Two

and the final installment, Pat Three is completed -

Death Valley National Park - November 2015 - Part Three
Thank you. Very nice! It is amazing how many unique places of significant area exist in DVNP. I'm not sure that one could run out of new places to visit and see evidence of human predecessors there so long ago

Stimulates the imagination to speculate on what life might have been like then. Hydration management must have been mastered and I suspect we have permanently lost a lot of that knowledge of daily life in the desert. Only takes failure to pass it down to the next generation one time.

Great stuff, Ski! Wonderful to see a familiar place through your photos and wonderful storytelling.
Yesterday morning we left DV from just down canyon from where you were. Small world!
Great report! Looking forward to the rest of the report.
BTW, I think our wife's may be related...mine says the same thing
BTW, I think our wife's may be related...mine says the same thing
So does mine! We must have married well. Looking forward to Part 2 where in he makes a couple of new friends in Jayhawker Canyon.
Lighthawk said:
Yesterday morning we left DV from just down canyon from where you were. Small world!
The world is going to get even smaller! :)

Shadyapex said:
Looking forward to Part 2 where in he makes a couple of new friends in Jayhawker Canyon.
Alas, that will be in the final Part Three. Hope you don't mind! :)
I thought I recognized some of the scenery. I also must have just missed you. I left the springs the day before Thanksgiving. There are new destinations on my agenda for future trips though. Those petros are amazing.
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