Death Valley Photos

Racetrack evening - continued


Camping at the mining site where I spent the afternoon
Thanks for the pictures and welcome to the forum. Death Valley is like a drug, you keep going back for more. I'm hooked and I intend to go there as often as I can. Hope to see you on the road.


KB, Sweeeet pics, thanks for posting.
I'll be driving thru DV next Friday, you've got me psyched, it's been ahwile!
Have You Had One Or Two ?

He's in a good spot, lots of campers in his neighborhood. What model are we looking for ?
Devil's race track in the rain

Great pictures! You have a nice way of capturing the scene. For what it's worth, I was at the Devils Race Track during a rain storm. The following is a picture of it underwater. This was in the days of film and I didn't have a lot of money for processing, so I only took this one picture.


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DobleTraccion - I got a few campsite photos, if you're still interested. I posted them up with my latest trip report Colorado National Monument (

Fisherman - Ideally I'd like to find a Hawk with the extended bed option, but as long as it's got a decent furnace I'll be happy!

Jeff - The racetrack shots are from this year, I was at the racetrack on March 25th.

Ed - What an awesome shot! I'm jealous. I was thinking when I was out there how neat it would be to see it in the rain as it seems so rare out there. Did you see any rocks moving while you were out there? It was amazing to see how permamnent any footprints or tracks become once the surface dries up.

Everyone else - Thanks for the warm welcome! I've got more Death Valley shots to post but I got caught up this weekend camping & exploring... Stay tuned!
Ed - What an awesome shot! I'm jealous. I was thinking when I was out there how neat it would be to see it in the rain as it seems so rare out there. Did you see any rocks moving while you were out there? It was amazing to see how permamnent any footprints or tracks become once the surface dries up.

Unfortunately, the friend I was with had a job interview the next day so we didn't have much time to hang out so, no I didn't see any rocks moving. The scenery was spectacular though. We also saw water flowing in Death Valley, but it was dark by then, so no photos.
After leaving Death Valley I spent a couple days in Yosemite, then took a long drive up the coast to Portland before turning East for Denver. Here are some shots from the second half of the trip...



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