Desert Sheep Camp - Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge


Senior Member
Jun 14, 2016
abqbw said:

This is the first time I have taken the camper off the truck in the field. It wasn't too bad. I knew I was going to have my Basecamp in the same spot for a few weeks...
Your photos capture well the surreal skies in that neck of the woods. Looks like you've established a base camp to do some exploring, look forward to seeing more.
Congrats on a wonderful tag. That is a dream hunt for me and I'd love to be able to enjoy a sheep camp in that unit someday. Best of luck to you!
Hope you had the floor supported. FWC isn't designed for off the camper use unless the floor is fully supported. Would hate to see the floor back come loose. jd
Morning abqbw
Cool pictures have fun there for those weeks.
Look at the second photo longhorn1 kinda looks like the camper is on a box of sorts.

Russ, you are right. Looks like cross "X"'s. I didn't see that and would sure hate to see someone with their floor pack on the ground. That would be a bad hair day for sure. jd
Hello LH1
I never thought about the floor being supported, was just enjoying the photos. Went back and although I can't tell for sure , looks like she resting on something. Right about no support ruining your day.

Alpine said:
Congrats on a wonderful tag. That is a dream hunt for me and I'd love to be able to enjoy a sheep camp in that unit someday. Best of luck to you!
It's an amazing place. I spent over 3 weeks down there scouting and hunting. I harvested a great old ram. I drew the permit as a non-resident. Beating enormous odds...
Awesome tag - any pics of the ram and the hunt?
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