Desolation Wilderness - August 2018

Quite a day hike - thanks for the info on Wm Tyler. Was there 2 years ago and didn't see the tube containing his bio. Besides being smokey as all heck I bet it was pretty warm too!!
Thanks for this trip report.
I was lucky a couple of years back to do a long Father's Day weekend into the very same places with my son and then six year old grandson.
One of the beauties of the Sierras is the ease of going off trail and the granite. It is so different from the Oregon and Washington Cascades, my home ranges.
Ronin said:
Quite a day hike - thanks for the info on Wm Tyler. Was there 2 years ago and didn't see the tube containing his bio. Besides being smokey as all heck I bet it was pretty warm too!!
It was warm until the wind came up mid morning. Unfortunately the brisk wind ruined the opportunity for a dip in every lake, the usual MO in summer. :)
Wandering Sagebrush said:
Such beautiful country! Thanks for letting us tag along!

Vic Harder said:
that's a gorgeous area! Now on my bucket list!

Thanks guys for your very nice comments!

Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Thanks for the hike along.I can almost smell the smoke.
Great history of the area.
You too sure take us all to incredible spots.
Thank you.
Thanks for the kind comments, we appreciate it! :)

bj40 said:
Thanks for this trip report.
I was lucky a couple of years back to do a long Father's Day weekend into the very same places with my son and then six year old grandson.
One of the beauties of the Sierras is the ease of going off trail and the granite. It is so different from the Oregon and Washington Cascades, my home ranges.

Mighty Dodge Ram said:
Thanks for the report. I’ve always wanted to spend some time in the area.
Probably ten years since I've been in Desolation. Do you need a permit only if you're overnighting?
craig333 said:
Probably ten years since I've been in Desolation. Do you need a permit only if you're overnighting?
Day use requires a permit also, that's what is hanging on Julie's pack. You can fill one out at trail heads such as Wrights. Some trail heads do not have permits so we harvest a few extra when we see them, Overnights must be done online or at an USFS office.
Thanks guys, that brings back allot of memories from the days before people really discovered that place and the Sierras in general. Despite the haze and smoke, I could feel being there again. like you guys. I spent allot of time wondering around that country in those days before wilderness permits and the such and that reminds me of a adventure me and a friend had in Desolation Wilderness in 1968-69. Anyway, both were just out of the service and were working at one of the casinos: we spent allot of time day hiking, fishing and backpacking just about anywhere .

So we had a few days off and decided to head into Desolation and so some fishing and back packing-don't remember how we went in (just looked at the map-looks different ), but after a few days we were taking a break in the south end somewhere and we could see HW 50 above us-not that far away (the trail seemed to head up to the HW, but we just sat there on this log next to the trail talking. Then we starting hearing people talking (we had not seen anyone on our trip so far)and much to our surprise we could see a line of people -in the distance walking down the trail-toward us! It turned out they were Japanese tourists and they were on a bus that stopped at a pull over up on 50, so they could have a wilderness experience or something :cautious:! So much for those private wilderness places close by, civilization had found us, just have to go deeper in the back country. Anyway, guys-thanks brought back allot a memories!


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