Does any one know of an ultra small roof AC unit I can place on my fwc eagle?


May 1, 2016
I figure I will use it with a c compressor although I have 110 amp hours with a solar,panel. There are some places I go I enjoy cold air!
That is supposed to say air conditioner !

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A small 5,000 BTU a/c uses 5 amps at 120 volts when running, more when starting. Watts is amps times volts so that will be 600 Watts. 600 watts at 12 volts is 50 amps. The inverter does not create energy. It converts low voltage at high amperage into high voltage at low amperage. Bottom line is you will probably need to run a generator if you want A/C.
Thanks for replies. Just wondering if it's easier cheaper to get a small 500 $ generator and a 110 200$ ac unit and carry it around when needed?

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On my next build I am hoping to run a small a/c unit from a 800 watt generator. In theory it should work. The generator will be only hooked up to a battery charger, perhaps 40 amp. The a/c and every other 120 volt appliance will be run from a large inverter. These small generators can run for most of a hot day on a gallon of gas. The A/C will use more amps than the generator will output, (when it starts), but the a/c will not be running continually, I hope with enough insulation it will run for less than half the time. When it is off, the charger will replenish what was taken out of the battery.
If I don't need the air conditioner, running the generator for an hour a day may be enough to keep the battery happy. Without the air running, a solar cell or two may be enough, and then the generator will not be needed to run.
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