Dogs in your FWC.


Senior Member
Aug 26, 2011
Alberta, Canada
I hope to be ordering from FWC in the next couple weeks

I am interested in hearing strategies from those who have dogs in their FWC's. I hope to be harboring 2 (count 'em 2) German Shepherd's while on the road. Oh ya ... I hope that my girlfriend will join me too. If all goes well I will be rolling with two adults and two large dogs. My initial impression is that a standard kennel will not fit through the FWC door.

I would like to hear any ideas or tips that you make us all more comfortable.

Which system would be more dog friendly couch or dinette?

I prefer not to have the dog in the FWC. My truck has a back seat and I built a filler to cover the area in front of the seat, then ordered a custom dog bed to fit the back seat. The dog also sleeps in the back seat and is generally only in the camper if it's raining during the day. During the day while parked, I leave the back door open and she just jumps in and out as she pleases. Might not work for a couple big Shepard's.


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One thing I am an expert on, FWC and dogs. Heck, three of my dogs have even been to the factory :LOL: I took two across the North Slope of Alaska and three went to Newfoundland. With foster dogs I have had as many as 4 at a time, right now the pack consists of 3 dogs for a total of 150#s. My dogs always go with me, on the road they are in the back seat, extended cab F250. At night one usually sleeps up top with me and the other two down below with my daughter.

Couch provides more room for them either laying down or for launching themselves up top. One nice thing is I have the slider between the cab and the camper so if it is raining the dogs go through and stay nice and dry. I also carry a couple dog towels in case they do get wet. I made a removable wall to wall carpet that I can easily remove to clean and I even throw a carpet running over that and can shake that out more frequently. My camper isn't new, a 99 I think, so the upholstery is about shot so I really don't worry about the dogs and dirt a lot. Several trips have been month long so I have probably consumed a fair amount of dog fur. Traveling with four was a lot more work it seemed than my three but mine are all well behaved and pretty quiet. I have one shelf in a cabinet devoted to dog treats, food, a brush, and extra leashes. I had fancy camping food and water bowls but having donated those to someone/somewhere I have now reverted to margarine bowls, no loss if I lose them.

My dogs prefer the remote campsites where they don't need to be tied up like in a National Park.


I had a '99 FWC Grandby for 7 years. My wife and I along with 2 Golden Retrievers (75 & 85 lbs) used it quite a bit over that period. When underway, the two dogs rode behind the driver/passenger seat in our F250 Supercab. At night, they came inside the FWC. We put down old flannel sheet or wool blankets on the seats and they were happy as could be. Layout was similar to the one in Barko1's photo with a side couch and cushion in the front over a storage bin. One dog in each position.

We sold the '99 in '05 when we bought a trailer. We missed the camper for the things it does best and bought a 2010 Grandby Shell, which I made some basic modifications to. The two beloved Golden's discussed above have passed on and we now have a smaller 65# male. I built a bench across the front of the shell and he fit's nicely underneath and out of foot. Photo shown below


My F250 4x4 with a camper package sit quite high off the ground, so I have a telescoping dog ramp to allow the dogs to get in and out of the camper. It's a steep jump for a dog and, once when getting out of the camper, one of my dogs almost got his rear leg caught between a small gap in the bumper and the rear of the truck. Would have been real ugly if I hadn't been standing there to help out. I always use the ramp now.

Good Luck,

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My F250 4x4 with a camper package sit quite high off the ground, so I have a telescoping dog ramp to allow the dogs to get in and out of the camper. It's a steep jump for a dog and, once when getting out of the camper, one of my dogs almost got his rear leg caught between a small gap in the bumper and the rear of the truck. Would have been real ugly if I hadn't been standing there to help out. I always use the ramp now.

Good Luck,


Good point, my three have different abilities at jumping. I use a platform I made that slides into the receiver hitch, works great, they jump onto that and then in.
My dog rides in the back of the cab and sleeps in the camper. She prefers her cushion on the floor, but I can convert the dinette to a bed for her. She was nervous at first about the scissor steps to get in the camper, but now handles them no problem.

And Barko is the hands-down expert on traveling with dogs. :)
Our old lab rides in the camper while underway. I've got a first gen Tundra AC and I carry my photo gear in the back seat, so there's not much room.
She seems to handle it well. I plug in a 110v pet electric blanket into an inverter to give her heat while we're driving in colder weather.

I made a ramp that slid between the camper and truck bed, which she used with one of us spotting her. Now she's so old that I lift her in and out of the camper.
She's got several pads and a half sleeping bag for bedding. She loves lounging in front of the wave heater.

Best thing I got for her was a no spill water bowl. It has a snap on lid with a hole for her to drink. I have turned it on it's side and it still doesn't spill.
I second the idea of removeable carpet. We have marine grade rubber backed carpet custom fit to the floor. I just sprinkle a lil Simple Green on it and hose it out after most trips. I do the dog bedding at the same time and dry them outside on sawhorses. It helps keep the doggie odor at bay. : )
Your dogs don't drive?
For some reason (dominance?) if I'm not in the drivers seat she is.

I second the ramp idea especially for big older dogs.
With the passing of my son...we are now rollin' with 5 (Yes, FIVE) canine companions.

Needless to say we camp in remote spots where there aren't any other folks.

Don't wanna stink the place up...but....

Gotta say I'm almost OVER all the cowshit that is covering all of our public lands and we are going out less and less because of the condition we are finding our public lands in. We've had to rig up a cable system to teather the dogs because EVERYWHERE we go there is **** covering the ground...and not always of the bovine kind either. Nothing more FUN that yer dog walking back into camp after a good roll @ 9pm....

We're actually looking for land and I'm ready to settle in somewhere rather than wander about aimlessly. (too much like real life these daze)

Anybody wanna buy a log home near Leadville or a ski house near Vail? :D

wander safely, all


I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of your son. My condolences. I can't imagine anything worse. You and your family will be in my prayers tonight. God bless.
With the passing of my son...we are now rollin' with 5 (Yes, FIVE) canine companions.


Dang man I think you have taken my title :LOL: We had 5 on a trip to Big Bend but now are traveling with just our three. Be happy that your are not out East where campgrounds/state parks, have limits, like one or two, if they even allow dogs, or they have only a few sites where pooches are allowed :mad:

We too are going more remote, not as much **** as you seemed to have run across. Did a trip that had us camp on Mineral Creek by Silverton, then Taylor River, Union Park by Taylor Reservoir, near Poncha Pass, and Cordova Pass, all great.
Your buddies
We've been pretty lucky with our dog, Jewel (Siberian/Terrier cross). She loves her bed cushion, so she sleeps wherever we put it as long as its in the same room as us. We can always find a corner for the bed that is out of the way in case we have to get up during the night. Now dealing with the fur in the truck, that's a different question. What kind of an idiot (me!) would buy a travelling truck with a black interior?

I used to let her drive but I got tired of paying the speeding tickets ;)
Fur, well thats another issue. Brush before you leave. Brush in camp. Live with fur. Its not a bad tradeoff.
I have 2 German Shepherds. I am thinking that when they come in the FWC I could put them in the overhead bed and the G/F and I could sleep on the fold out couch. This would keep them out of the way. I am thinking they would likely like this arrangement. Has anyone tried this tactic? It sounds as though the couch is likely as comfortable as the overhead bed. Any comments?
I have 2 German Shepherds. I am thinking that when they come in the FWC I could put them in the overhead bed and the G/F and I could sleep on the fold out couch. This would keep them out of the way. I am thinking they would likely like this arrangement. Has anyone tried this tactic? It sounds as though the couch is likely as comfortable as the overhead bed. Any comments?

When we used my Dad's old Starcraft poptop, our Siberian thought this was a great arrangement. She would hop up as soon as the top was up. I think it was mostly because it put her eye-to-eye with us. She figured this increased her opportunities for mooching. She was probably right!
We have just returned from 5 months on the road.Dogs loved it. They ride in the backseat (xtra cab)that we converted to a doggie heaven. Took the seat out, put plywood down, and covered with dog beds.
They sleep in the camper. My female is 55 pounds and she ALWAYS sleeps in the upper bed. My male is 85 pounds and he sleeps on the couch bed unless he is cold, then he is in bed under the blankie with us. I keep the cushions on the couch covered with old fleece blankets. Easy to take off and wash when the get dirty. I also do alot of sweeping!
@Mtn-High:With you on the poop problem. Human poop everywhere is the worst. My dogs find it and as disgusting as it is, they eat it. I cant let them run loose anymore. It does suck.

Safe travels with the pups....
We have just returned from 5 months on the road.

So that's where you've been, randygirl!

Since you hadn't posted in months I figured you'd left us.

No internet connection on the road?

So...will there be a massive trip report to follow sometime soon?

New posts - WTW

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