Donations being accepted now

Silvertip - got your donation thanks! Blue Ribbon it is.

Craig - shirts here:
DD- Sent you off $50 but didn't see the advocacy group or shirt thingie. Don't need the shirt but how about a WTW decal? Thanks, Barney
DD- Sent you off $50 but didn't see the advocacy group or shirt thingie. Don't need the shirt but how about a WTW decal? Thanks, Barney

Yup got your stickers packaged and ready to go :)
Made a donation today($50.00). From a very grateful newbie thank you for a great group, but also for coming up with a small way for us to give back. i have learned a great deal here in my short time as a member. In fact got information of areas to check out this weekend. Thanks again to you and all the forum members for some great information.

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