Done something really stupid?

"Where's the InReach?" I asked the Lady as we were cleaning the truck and camper after our last trip. I was looking in the console between the seats in our truck, its standard location. The Lady was in the camper.
"Its suppose to be in the console," I knew that'd be her answer. "Please check the cubby hole where we put it overnight when we're camping," I asked.
"Not there," came her answer.

We've all been there, right? Tearing about, now looking everywhere for a missing piece of equipment. It's got to be here. It's suppose to be here. Nope.

For years we used a SPOT SOS devise, up until September 2016. The gadget has to see the sky, be able to talk to the satellites. The best location for that to occur is on the roof of the camper directly above the rear entry door. That location worked great for the SPOT until the time in September 2016 we forgot about it, left in up on the edge of the roof, drove off, and could only imagine it's last final flight.

The SPOT was replaced with an InReach - the InReach we both now could not find. We did learn from the untimely death of the SPOT. The location on the camper roof top edge worked too well, was too handy a place to use to abandon. We tied a long leash on the InReach and attached a bright red mini carabineer to its end, a hard to miss flag to remember the InReach is up there. It also attaches the InReach to a compression strap on our packs so it cannot be lost if it drops out of an external pocket while hiking.

We have forgotten and left the InReach overnight on the roof a few times, but that weighted flag of a carabineer hanging down saved its life, reminded us to retrieve it and put it away.

Now it was gone. "Didn't you see it when you lowered the top this morning?" the Lady asked for the third time.
"I remember taking it from the roof and putting it in the cubby after sending the 'camped here for the night' message last night," I insisted for the second time. "I did not see it this morning."

No matter how many times we went over it and how many times we searched through the same places over and over, the InReach was gone. We went on with the "returning home from a trip" routine. Packs were hung in the gear closet. Clothes were pulled from our duffle bags. A dirty clothes pile grew. Food was returned to cupboards and the refrigerator in the house. The Lady pulled out the vacuum and started cleaning both the truck cab and camper interior. The puzzle of the InReach did not leave our heads.

It came to us both at the same time. We both remembered the thunderstorm the evening before as we cleaned after dinner - the violent gusts of wind that rocked the camper. Had it blown the leash and carabineer out of sight atop the roof? We both climbed up and looked on the camper roof.
"Here it is!" the Lady yelled with glee. "How lucky is that!"

The InReach was in the center of the roof, loose, not attached or caught to anything, loose in the middle of the roof. Many miles of serious wash boarded dirt road, crossing two winding Sierra Nevada mountain passes, and 145 miles of travel had not sent it on a last, fatal, final flight. How lucky is that?
Wow that's a great bit of luck.
On our 2016 trip to Alaska we were half way through the trip
when one evening in camp I was checking the roof for something.
Low and behold an apple from the tree at our friends house in
Eugene Or was sitting there in the middle of the roof.

A 5 night ferry trip,several thousand miles of road and there it was.
Bright and red ready to eat.
Life can be strange and interesting at times.
Have done the panicked "where is it" routine many times. Usually its in the jacket I forgot I wore on that late night trip. Glad you found it. Not the kind of tool you want to replace often.
Ski first I want to say happy ending to items that go missing, sure it won't be the last item that gets attention.

It is not just mentioning that you misplaced something then it was found story. You are VERY creative in your story telling that had me glued to the screen reading! Thanks for the mental journey.... I enjoyed it. Cheers.
Ski's story reminds me of following a car for maybe 9 miles through the Walker canyon. I kept honking my horn and waving at him in an attempt to get him to pull over and rescue his hiking boots from the top of the car. He finally pulled off the road and I pointed out the boots. The socks were long gone.
Must have been heavy boots. One of my favorite sections of 395 and not because I could play at being Mario Andretti.

Old co-worker had a similar story, only it was a Ruger Super Blackhawk on a rear step bumper. He never would tell where so that I could go looking for it. :)

I've lost small things of importance to me, but of no real value, that way. Can't recall anything expensive. Not sure that I could admit to it if I had.
Yep lost my Spot the other day too. I realized that I forgot to charge it up when I packed it in my "Go Bag" when the Dixie Fire started to get close to Susanville and pulled it out, charged it up and put it back(I thought). Several hours later we got an alert to be ready to go and I checked my go bag in the truck and the Spot was not there. After quickly searching everywhere for it -no luck and lucky for me the alert was called off, I tried that last place where it could be-under the map case in the back seat where I always carried it when I was WTWing; seems I just went automatic after I charged it up and put it away in it's usual place. (I probably should not tell you this)-----But It doesn't get any better the older you get :oops:, me thinks you just "misplace" more things or even worse forget to do things like my present favorite "turning off the oven" when I';m done with it". I Have not found my keys in the frig yet-maybe there is still hope. Just another part of getting old I guess?

Many years ago (as in 30+), I couldn’t find my checkbook. Returning from my sister’s b-day party, I slid my hand under a to-go plate of cake I had placed on the passenger’s seat. Unbeknownst to me, I also scooped up my checkbook located under the plate. Found it two weeks later in…the fridge, under a plate of inedible cake. ‍♂️
Took an inaugural run with my new Tacoma Off Road to Canyonlands NPS. Took the Schaefer Trail and Potash Road. I had filled up with fresh water at the Ranger Station. At the bottom of the switchbacks I got out to take a picture. You’ll see in the attached picture my keys hanging from the freshwater door. Luckily they stayed in the lock all the way down. Using a FoB rather than a key to start the truck has its disadvantages! Potash Road was harder than I expected with some shelfs and drop offs.


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I picked up a new one yesterday. I learned not to wear a fleece hoody when using a hole saw on a steel drum. Tiny metal fragments are not easy to pull out of fleece. Now looking for a much stronger shop magnet.
Cow Magnet. about the size of a hotdog used by farmers to get metal out of their cows! In one end out the other (not utter).
At you local feed store!
Another approach could be to place several super magnets (available at Harbor Freight and hardware stores) in a plastic bag so that they could be found and recovered later and run the bag and the fleece garment through the washing machine.

Or If you are bored go to the airport and go through the metal detector.... I bet you'd find them all!
Oops, I did it again. Last trip out was with some friends who were first time out with their FWC. I shared with them advice especially about maintaining a routine in closing up the camper.
I wowed them a few minutes later when the front end of my roof popped up in the wind on the road.
I just wanted to show them what not to do!

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