Draining anti-freeze from Camper

Mr. Prescott

Advanced Member
May 29, 2013
Prescott - Arizona
Just wanted to know if there is a simple way to drain the water or anti-freeze from the camper through the drain cock value in the rear of the camper without getting it all over the bumper?

Any ideas would be great, I have tried a house but think I need to modifly with some type of fitting.

Any one with a simple solution?

Thank you, mild winter here and thinking about getting away to the southern parts of AZ.
I had an old solar shower bag. I cut off the hose and found it could be pushed on the drain cock valve and perform that task well. It also comes in handy for filling bowls of water for washing, pets, etc.

If you don't have an old solar shower bag handy, most any hardware, RV, camping store will have clear plastic tubing that will do. It doesn't have to be water tight. It is just directing the flow.

I've cut up 2-liter pop bottles to hang off a radiator pitcock, to keep from making a mess. But I'm really, really cheap :p
Sorry. Gotta ask this. Does the RV antifreeze mar the bumper to a degree it can't be rinsed off?

2nd question that somewhat explains the first.
On my Alaskan camper I have just drained the system for years.
Should I be using RV antifreeze? It gets well below zero F some years in central Washington.
So far, no problems....
Just lucky?
I have only noticed spots on my bumper from draining the antifreeze, the bumper is crome and I have not tried yet to remove the spots. So I hope not!!!

I use the Anti-freeze that is safe for water systems got at the local Wal-Mart store. Last year in N. AZ it got down to 17 degrees I just don't want any problems that is the only reason I put the stuff in the water system. This year it has really been warm but have snow today so go figure.

I will see if the spots come off the bumper next time I go out to my storage shed.
I replaced the plastic drain valve on our Phoenix as it was in a vulnerable spot hanging down from the bottom of the bed-rail over-hang portion of the camper. Put in a 90° fitting and ran a hose down inside the bed to a ball valve located behind the locking side storage door. The valve now has a garden hose to NPT adapter fitting screwed into it on the exit side. I use our sink drain hose (behind the same access door) to take the water to the ground when draining the tank.
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