DST - It's Back

Tuff Guy 62

Senior Member
Jul 20, 2015
Arizona Rim Country
Woke up today with the faint light of morning coming through the bedroom windows, a late winter zephyr blowing in off the Monterey Bay and dark gray clouds sodden with rain. I left Ms. Tuff Chick warmly tucked in bed, dreaming the dreams of future peregrinations we will share with each other as we explore the great American west in our camper.

I came downstairs to brew a pot of the elixir of life and contemplate what to make for breakfast. A veggie omelette, yes that sounds good. I'll surprise my bride of 31 years with breakfast in bed. That should earn me a few brownie points for the day.

I glanced at the clock, 7:00 AM much too early, let her sleep a bit more. So I turned on the radio to catch up on world events. However to my discomfiture I quickly realized I was listening to the 8:00 AM news report! I had forgot to spring forward last night.

I thought to myself, Daylight Savings Time, it's back Dammit! Sometimes I wish I lived in Arizona.
The circadian rhythm runs strong with me. Wake up at first light and go to bed when it gets dark.

This biannual back and forth makes me a little cantankerous.

I'm sure everyone has an opinion on this topic. How do you feel about the change back to DST?
We had buttermilk waffles with blueberries and maple syrup in the dark this morning. I can put up with Daylight Savings but I don't like the extra month at the beginning and end that was tacked on a few years ago, not one bit!
Easy enough to adjust my body an hour of two with no issues but reaaly don't see the point of DST any longer. Kind of right up there with schools having 3 months off in the summer for the kids to be able to work in the fields, was fine when we were an agrarian society but doesn't make as much sense now.
When I wake up, I'll tell you why I don't like the change-it's got something to do with sunlight, man, biology, and trees and tigers and not having a fire :ninja: . A need a nap :D so I can wake up!

I had a guy tell me once...that his chickens needed the extra hour so they could really put out the eggs during the spring....I don't have any chickens...sooo :D

But...I sure enjoy the twilight at 9 oclock at night during the summer...maybe it's having dinner on the beach as the sun sets...or maybe its working hard in the garden till its dark and coming in so tired you want to drop..and do.... because it's go to sleep time ;)

I'm a late fishing, late gardening, late everything guy...I like DST....

and if the chickens feel better...its all ok
I like DST. On working days, there's plenty of daylight after work with which to get chores and hobby stuff done (provided we can bear the NC heat and humidity). On off-days, there's more daylight to play.

On standard time, it's all too often that this old boy is working long before dawn and long after sunset. DST doesn't affect that, of course, but it does whet the appetite for some free time on workdays come Spring/Summer/Fall.

Set your camera clocks to UTC and forget them.

The reason we have DST is because, while the US Constitution doesn't allow the US gov't to mandate when you go to work, it does give control of standards like weights measures and time, to the federal gov't, Set the time earlier by one hour and most everyone goes to work earlier. Goal accomplished by Constitutional means. :)

I remember the day, not so long ago that Indiana wasn't on daylight savings time. The exception was 5-6 counties in NW Indiana around Chicago, and several counties in SW Indiana around Evansville. The majority of the state never changed. Part of the year we lined up with the Eastern time zone (Cincinnati) and part of the year with central time zone (Chicago). I always thought it was a PIA, especially since I traveled to Ohio, Kentucky, and Illinois on business. Had to get my score card out to make sure my travel time was right. After years of votes and attempted votes people came to their senses. There were some modifications for the counties in NW Indiana and SW Indiana, who stayed on Central time, even some lawsuits, but that all fizzled away. I like having it light after work. I agree Foy, time to get the camper stocked and ready after work. Indiana has always been a little quirky, like the no sale of alcohol on Sunday. jd
I wish they would leave it DST year round. I like the afternoon light. As at least one other member has stated, more time to play after work.

I'm actually tired of hearing so many complaints. When fall comes there will be no complaints about the "extra hour" of sleep. If I worried about losing an hour of sleep I'd go to bed an hour earlier. Not a big deal in my world.
ETAV8R said:
I wish they would leave it DST year round. I like the afternoon light. As at least one other member has stated, more time to play after work.

I'm actually tired of hearing so many complaints. When fall comes there will be no complaints about the "extra hour" of sleep. If I worried about losing an hour of sleep I'd go to bed an hour earlier. Not a big deal in my world.
Well said.
RE DST........

I recently saw a quote which reputedly came from a wise older Indian Chief who when someone described the concept of DST responded:

Only the government would try to to convince you that if you cut a piece off the top of a blanket and sew it on to the bottom of the blanket that the blanket would be longer .....

Just sayin......

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