Dual Jerry can holder


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
Not too terribly overpriced either. Also check out some of their water carrying solutions.
Yeah, I may have to get the tape out, see if I could fit some of that stuff. I have enough water for short trips but more would be nice if was on a longer expo.
It is not my inttention to offend anybody here and considering the fact that I do have a business, that is probably pretty sound policy. But, as a man, over thinker and lifelong mental masturbator (I said I was a guy) I have really tried to not find solutions for problems that don't exist. It goes against my grain to do so, and as a former (many) boat owner I sometimes need to be physically restrained. However guys, guys, guys - we have a big camper back there with a lot of room. Couldn't this be a a better way to go? At least it's cheap and easily replaceable.

Just Say'n.

You can't be serious. Spend $11 and sit it on the floor? Good thing DD is gone or I'd have to see about suspending your wtw membership. Good lord, if we're going to start being practical :oops:
Just Say'n.

No offense taken. But... :p

The footwell tank did a few things for me,

-moved over 100 pounds of weight forward and lower on the truck.

-created a flat place to stack Pelican cases, and utilized an otherwise mostly wasted space while opening up other valuable space

-water available from a faucet, no more pouring water from a jerry can to fill a water bottle

-and I now have a background noise of sloshing water, granted not the best during ling drives

Plus I have had a couple of those Aqua'tainers leak, not good.
I have the Footwell Water Tank. Love it, great product.

Hadley, do you get a plastic taste to your water with the footwell tank? I've been looking at it and the upright flat tank as well as various pillow tanks for a while now but would like to avoid plastiky tasting water if possible.
reading this post it reminded me of my ongoing distain for all after market water carriers such as jay
put a link up to.i have never found a plastic water container that did not end up leaking.
it seems like after a lot of use the treads wear and sure enough if you leave them
on their sides they do leak.
this brings me to this thought why do not throw away bottles such as apple juice gallen jugs
never leak? i use them for all my extra water storage,they fit every where and are so easy to use and fill.
if you have ever looked at some of my old posts you will see that i always used my 30+year old igloo(metal)
water cooler and it never failed!
and for you old timers i remember my first water tank failure was in my converted step van that we used for years in baja
got to our camp site at bay of LA went to get some water and found out that our 30 gallon rv type tank did not hold up to the road in
split a seam,yes i had my igloo so we still had water.
now i feel better so will go back to enjoying every one trip reports while we wait for our new rig.
drive slow and enjoy "its the journey"
Hadley, do you get a plastic taste to your water with the footwell tank? I've been looking at it and the upright flat tank as well as various pillow tanks for a while now but would like to avoid plastiky tasting water if possible.

No, I have never noticed that the water out of the footwell tank had a plastic taste to it. I am sensitive to bad tasting water, so I think you should be just fine.
I got this:

...in the 100L size. Searched until it was on sale for 100 bucks.

As a craftsman's apprentice, I was taught, "Cry once; buy good tools."
You can't be serious. Spend $11 and sit it on the floor? Good thing DD is gone or I'd have to see about suspending your wtw membership. Good lord, if we're going to start being practical :oops:

I'm sorry, I'm to am guilty-ever since I bought my fwc I have no place to put my very nice old battered jerry cans, so I now have two nice plastic cans that hold my extra water and gas-that sits snugly right there on the floor in the camper. But that other set up, looked real nice-even cool maybe, be afraid to try and put them on the side of the camper though-wasn't there some thread a while back on this? Keep thinking about drilling some holes through the right back on of the fwc -sort of sit it on the tail gate, and hoping the walls of the storage cabinet would hold the washers in and keep the jerry can rack from pulling out and hitting the CHP that was following me (as the chippie was admiring my neat FWC). Any thought?

I got this:

...in the 100L size. Searched until it was on sale for 100 bucks.

Mark, where did you find these and what are they called?


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