Eastern Sierra Fall Color

Thanks Bill for the TR.
You did see some color .I think you are right a bit early.
We went up Ebbetts Pass area last week and very little color.
Nice color in the Dogwoods at Big Trees grove.
Nice trip Bill. We had planned to go to the eastern Sierras but tucked tail when we saw highs were expected to be in the mid 40's while we were there. We always see pop-up campers on 395. Apparently there is some correlation between our taste in campers and where we like to go with them.
Nice trip reports guys! Glad you did because as I was backing out of my drive way to head down there on that Friday before you guys left, I thought " gee. the weather guy on tv was talking about rain and how cold is was going to be down that way (right Ted)" and "boom" I turned west instead of east and soon found myself headed down the Feather River HW and on the way to the coast :) !Just got back here the other day and the coast was nice! Colors seem to be a little late here in Lassen and Modoc counties this year. I might just go to one of the near by cgs this week and enjoy the local color!

I enjoyed your report Bill, thanks for posting it. Glad you got out. Fall color is muted here this year- we haven't made a trip to see it yet.
Bill, we both always enjoy your trips, thanks again for sharing with us! It has been an interesting year in regards to aspen colors. Some places are very nice but many are hit and miss. In the big picture you can never go wrong traveling on the east side. Thanks for the tip on the restaurant at Convict Lake.

We were on generally the same route during the same week from north to south. Maybe we passed one another! Our southern destination was Rock Creek. Colors were varied but pretty good in places mostly at medium elevation. Not many people except at Convict Lake. A few images on the way south.

Hope Valley

Monitor Pass

Little Walker River

Dunderberg Meadows

Lundy Canyon

June Lake Loop

Convict Lake

Rock Creek Lodge
What a trip. California certainly has the places to see. I think you guys see those other pop-up campers partly because you have one and partly because there are more of us 'old' folks out there who want a little more comfort these days. Thanks for keeping us inspired.
Gee Bill. almost feel bad when I see those nice photos of that area that I didn't head down there when you were there. Coast was still nice thou! Guess I will just have to enjoy the fall colors here instead! Maybe next year I'll make the Fall colors down there.


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